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yannsolo75 Arc User



  • Yup, question about the "Create a Villain" alerts 1) WHY do we even bother with these in the 1st place? We're fighting villains no one know/care about, when we have a perfectly good nemesis who's begging for more screentime? 2) WHY can't nobody read the nemesis' bio? Seeing a cool villain and saying "He must have a cool…
  • Well, I crit mobs for 28k with it, so I just hope it won't work in PvP As for PvE... One-shoting supervillains could be fun, but do we really WANT it?
  • They made the pre-crisis Vibora Bay, which is a fun series of nicely done missions ...and which are horrible for level-up since it's a chain instead of most zones where you can stay outdoors doing multiple missions at once, so you end up doing them once and never again BUT still, it's enjoyable content so I can't complain…
  • Well, if the problem is getting bored fast, no powerset can help you If you want to kill mobs by sneezing on them, yeah, fire/electricity/infernal is what you want And yes, keep away from Archery, it's worse than Might, worse than Celestial, in fact it's worse than everything, I'd rather [insert Angry Video Game Nerd…
  • Where I work, the motto is "In 48h, I provide a solution, or at least an answer" And I'm a dev, not a guy whose whole job is to communicate...
  • The new forum just added a "75" at the end of my name, no idea why or how to change it... But it's still me, I kept my signature :biggrin: (except for the "My characters" link, no idea where they are now)
  • Problem is, everything is either a marvel or a DC char. I discovered a "Game Master" name-lock recently, I had no idea this guy existed Also, the character bio has problems with cusswords, you can't write "he regenerates when he's hit by ennemies", and that's terrible
  • No idea what's going on, did they at least have an excuse to do this, or did they just go Dr D. on some countries without warning or explanations?
  • Well, THAT's bull****. Not only every good thing take gazillions of Q and monthes of alert farming, but since you're not supposed to have a commun Q-pool, you have to do it with ONE character? Then again, it's understandable, endless grinding could be a bit less horrible if you could switch chars, and God forbids you have…