I don't think its exactly what you're thinking. The user groups that are involved in making the various COH remakes don't actually HAVE a game for people to go to, so it's not really an advertising campaign they're engaged in. There's nothing for them to advertise! Instead they're just trying to ruin the game(s) that exist…
I object heavily to someone making their subjective opinion out to be a firmly objective fact, which is exactly what you did when you said "Correction. Two projects". If you want to retract that part of your original statement then I'll be peachy with it... I don't care if you want to hate some woman from a forum of a game…
No thanks. As someone who has played both COH and NW, where a big deal was made out of the concept, it seems (and this is my subjective opinion of course) that Foundry type systems are mostly for users who imagine they're deeply creative to fill some database with tedious creations that nobody really wants to play. In the…
Did you know there's a next/previous page button for character selection? I did, unfortunately. While it may be selfish, I hope the anniversary doesn't involve passing out more character slots. I will weep. You know what they SHOULD do? Give everybody a vehicle with pitifully low stats compared to anything else in the…
Because the thread is titled "3 New Heroes Games Are Coming" not "A thread to flame someone who isn't even on these forums". This "Golden Girl" person does not matter to me, but that doesn't mean your dismissal of a project involving her doesn't matter to me... I found the fact that you "corrected" the OP's statement that…
It seems to randomly NOT complete the daily mission. Most days it has worked the first time... occasionally not. It'd be nice if we could figure out what the pattern to it working or not is, especially if its as predictable and early as the glitchiness of Hi-Pan's was. I'd much rather quit the alert than spend the entire…
Oh look, once again "troll" is defined as "people who say things I don't like"! I also notice you feel the thread ran its course once someone said something you agreed with. I assume that's how you think all threads should end - with confirmation of your existing beliefs. Maybe you can get the moderators to roll back the…
Well, there's the fact that, according to several angry COH exiles, one of the 3 known projects involves, or is headed, by her. If she was as impossible to deal with as this thread claims, it would seem reasonable to expect nobody would ever work with her and there wouldn't have been a project in the first place. Apply…
Ok, so which game is it "fair to compare" it to? I listed off reasons why STO would be a poor choice, especially considering the differences in the brand and recent histories. Pray tell, which game is an appropriate measuring stick? Oops, there you go again, trying to assert that eyeballing is a valid form of analysis. I'm…
Do you think its the nicest people that get promoted into management, typically? The people with the most friends among their co-workers? Project managers are people who can motivate team members to work and get the job done, and there are many different ways to make that happen. That this person is behind one of these…
No, people who are saying his numbers are being used incorrectly to support a premise that they simply do not support. They're numbers, not a statistic - statistics are derived from the data, and he's just presenting raw data out of context and claiming it supports the idea that there is a drastic downward trend in use.…
Amen to this. Bursts or APB comes up as the daily quite often, but Burst alerts are rare... it'd be nice if there was one on the board at least once every two cycles of the alert board or something... or maybe the frequency were increased substantially when the daily includes a need for bursts.
No, I still don't. These people do not matter to me in the slightest - they're people you have personal issues with for whatever reasons. Whether a person is a jerk or a saint, in the context of game development what matters is their ability to get the job done, and to get it done well. The two concepts are completely…
This is entirely false. While it's possible that the conclusion is correct, the numbers do not support it just because you eyeball them and feel they do - that's specifically what statistical analysis is about, and it's more than looking at two, three, or ten numbers and saying "a-yup, this one is smaller than that one, so…
Just out of curiosity, what's the alpha level on this 3 data point correlation you're panicking about? Your numbers are ******** - they're numbers that lack a context and that have been given no serious scrutiny other than your own eyeballing. 324 +/- 60 - that's the 95% CI based on your whopping 3 data points, as far as…
No, I really don't. All of these projects are vaporware, and no single one of them is moreso than any other simply because you don't like someone involved in it. Likewise, people will try whatever manages to open, if anything, regardless of who happens to behind it - that's the way of users. I've heard this same rant…
You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, right? Maybe you don't. Ok, you wake me up when there's something more than hype and talk to show for any of it. Also, that entire second sentence is like something you'd hear in a Hollywood movie, that would give actual programmers a migraine.
It's all hackjobs - everyone thinks they're a good designer/developer... everyone thinks they're full of brilliant ideas. It's nice to say that there exist indie developers who make some software gold... but there's a whole lot of indie garbage, and even more indie never-makes-it-to-distribution. Funding is not the big…
CO didn't die when COH was running. I don't think a new COH clone would kill CO off either... it's hard to say how immediately enthusiastic previous COH players would be to start over once again. A lot of COH players miss their long-played characters... the ones they built across many years. Those won't come back…
Replace "are coming" with "have been proposed and will likely never see daylight". People like to plan all sorts of things, but you shouldn't get your hopes up until the projects actually show serious development.
The devs created that environment with the Smash alerts and fights like Durotar/Ironclad in FM - they are straight up dps checks that penalize you for having any character that does not contribute a significant amount of DPS to the party, which makes most tank and support/healing characters a liability in terms of the…
That's how boss fight mechanics are supposed to be in MMOs - once you learn what you're supposed to do in the fight, and have become proficient at performing the actions necessary, the fight is not difficult. The only alternative to that is having no pattern and no telegraphing, and that's not challenge, that's just random…
It's not a good point. Good game design creates better players out of bad players by encouraging them to learn.. and you encourage people to learn by not making the experience tedious and punishing. If the average player is not learning, on his or her own, based solely on the game design then it is a design fail, not a…
What I'd like to see is the lockout removed. Those people who don't listen would still get killed over and over and over again... in fact, moreso... and then I'd be able to find it entertaining because they'd just be inconveniencing themselves by having to run back (on foot due to TP's being disabled) only to die again,…
Actually, the best strategy is to unleash everything you have on the SECOND wall, since the first one's vulnerability time starts during the end of the cutscene, meaning you waste time targeting and attacking it, and still have less than normal time to kill it. You can target the second wall immediately and start wailing…
I understand what people think the point of lockout mechanics are, but they're drastically overused in this game. They do have their place... such as in heavily scripted raid battles that have high levels of reward, as a means of content/reward gating. There's zero need for that in Alerts... and not much need for it in…
Pairing the TP removal with a really shameful misuse of an Outer Limits reference is what should really be considered objectionable! Now, that off my chest... yes its pretty tough for melee to get the buff and get to the center in the time given... if they lack a lunge. This wouldn't be something I'd normally object to,…
Nope... I blocked... got knocked out of the square anyway, more than once. If blocking was enough, and there was some warning, that'd be ok, but there's no real warning, and blocking wasn't enough. I eventually went and respec'd my last "floater" power to be Circle of Primal Dominion, which gave enough KB resist. I imagine…
I don't mind the fight mechanics, though the instructions should probably be better than "engage the color" which itself means nothing... most people are learning the mechanics by trial and error (mostly error) or by having someone who did that have to explain it to them. There are two parts that are a bit ridiculous…
They absolutely cannot do so unless they're using Teleiosaurs, and no build should NEED devices to work properly. I'd still use the teleiosaurs even if they did 10% of the damage they do just because they look awesome, but as it is they are the primary damage dealers because they scale much, much, much better with AoED…
Well, technically with PA you can turn your energy builder into a hand slot toggle and be running it while you use two other toggles, but it doesn't build energy while you do it. It does trigger revitalize though, which makes PA a very nice set to use INT as primary on, in conjunction with as many long cooldown powers and…
That's exactly what it's saying, actually. It is a Power Armor ability, and those abilities, like any others, act as "one at a time" usage powers. PA powers just have a special ability to run together without interference, with other PA powers of different slots, combining energy costs. It's actually a very interesting…
I'm not actually opposed to the fact that the legacy devices are highly effective. Everyone gets a slew of power picks (if freeform) but people only have 5 device slots, and there are a lot of devices that are useful, and plenty of times when you need to keep one slot for something activity related. I am actually heavily…