Given that PFF recovers some of its shield when you pickup the yellow and blue orbs, it could likely recover some of its shield whenever you gain energy period. I'm more in favor of there being more options to recover its shield other than just amping up its regeneration. Perhaps while PFF's up, healing you get is…
I'm in favor of this 100%. If I may, here are a few of my ideas for advantages for passives. Electric Form Fiery Form Kinetic Manipulation Personal Force Field Stormbringer Ice Form Quarry Composure Quantum Stabilizer Lightning Reflexes Night Warrior Id Mastery Congress of Selves Earth Form Seraphim
Personal Force Field [TIER 1] [Description Change] You have a Personal Force Field that provides with a cloak of defensive energy. Attacks dealt against you will be absorbed by your shield before they ever make contact with you. +Provides 10% Damage Resistance. This is doubled while your Force Field is depleted. Scales…
It's not a flat 10 Health on a critical. That increases with your Critical Severity and with each of Ego Leech you have, on top of bonus healing and level. It starts out small, but can build up to much greater healing. Nonetheless, that's a number I felt would be a good starting point as it increased as you fought. These…
Suggestions for some possible Telekinesis powers Ego Blade Lapse [TIER 1] Ego Blade Lapse quickly strikes your foe with a weapon crafted from your mental energy, leaving them dazed. [Animation] Swift Strike with an Ego Blade weapon. Melee Damage – Stun +10 feet +Click -18 Energy -15 second recharge +Deals 146 Ego Damage to…
Suggestions on the Telekinesis frameworks Current Powers Ego Blade [TIER 0] Ego Blade creates a weapon from your mental energy, slicing away at your foes with it. Leeching Strikes [Adv, 1pt] +Ego Blade has a 15% (30% on the initial attack) to apply Ego Leech. Kinetic Darts >> Telekinetic Darts [TIER 0] Telekinetic Darts…
Bug Periodically when you go to use Telekinetic Assault Telekinetic Assault's effects do not appear while maintaining the power Suggestions Ego Surge Nimble Mind: Ego Surge grants Critical Chance, Stealth Sight, and Perception. Scales with your Level. Mental Impact Mental Impact channels your mental energy into a massive…
Arm Machine Gun [Power Armor; TIER 2] Arm Machine Gun fires a barrage of bullets at your targets from your wrists. Animation: The machine gun stance used by Mechassassin. The user fires bullets at the target. Ranged AoE Damage +50 feet, 2 foot Cylinder +Toggle +Hand Slot +Deals Piercing damage twice to targets in a line in…
Was going for more fancy naming conventions for the moves, but I see what you mean with the names. Shining Crescent don't mean much unless you see it in action. Yeah, the idea behind Hurricane Kicks is an Unarmed equivalent to Sword Cyclone. The tornado kick isn't what'll do it. HK doesn't need to have that particular…
I'd definitely love to have more kicking powers in the game. Here are some ideas. Time to kick it! Stinging Kicks [TIER 0] Stinging Kicks is a fighting technique that delivers a series of rapid kicks to your foe. Animation: The user kicks repeatedly at their target, with the initial attack being a side kick. Melee Damage -…
Snow Storm [TIER 2] +Power damage slightly increased. Advantages Eye of the Storm [2 Points] +Snow Storm slowly pulls foes towards your target. (New) Icicle Maker [2 Points] FX Change: Ice Objects akin to an Ice Barrier periodically form in the area of the Snow Storm. +Snow Storm has a 25% chance to create an Ice Object…
Dragon's Malice [TIER 2] Dragon's Malice drives your blade through your foe, the adrenaline of battle providing energy for further attacks. +Renamed from Dragon's Bite and hanged description. +Dragon's Malice has a 50%-100% chance to apply Bloodshed to your target, based on charge time. Bloodshed disables the time limit of…
Leopard's Pounce [TIER 1] Leopard's Pounce channels your chi into a dashing attack that puts you within striking distance of your foe. Animation: Mighty Leap stance with cutting impact. The user is holding the FIghting Claws weapon. Lunge - Melee Damage +60 feet +Click -3 second recharge +Deals Slashing damage to your…
I'd very much like a grenade launcher power in the game. Personally, I think it should be attached to the Assault Rifle as an underbarrel launcher. Here's my idea for a Grenade Launcher. Grenade Launcher [TIER 2] Grendae Launcher fires a high-explosive projectile from a launcher attached to your Assault Rifle at your foes,…
Beatdown [TIER 0] Animation: (1st Hit) The user strikes the target with a right straight; (2nd Hit) The user strikes with a left straight; (3rd Hit) The user attacks with a wide right hook +Power damage slightly increased. -Energy cost slightly increased. +Each hit has a 25% chance to apply Stagger. +Combo Finish - Deals…
Electromagnetic Burst [ULTIMATE] Electromagnetic Burst unleashes a massive blast of electricity around you that electrocutes your foes, leaving them drained and immobile. Animation: Telekinetic Eruption stance. While charging, electricity surrounds the user. While attacking, a large electrical explosion occurs, leaving…
Since darkness looks like it's getting some love this rotation, here's my suggestions for Darkness. Suggestion Energy Builder Shadow Bolts [TIER 0] Shadow Bolts fires small bolts of primordial darkness at your target, chipping away at their life force. +Changed description. Close Area Attack Shadow Eruption [TIER 3] Shadow…
Here's my idea for what to do with Imbue. Celestial Ward [TIER 2] You channel celestial energy into a benevolent ward, applying it to yourself and increasing the potency of your healing. FX Change: While the Celestial Ward buff persists, light radiates from the user. +Renamed from Imbue and changed description. -No longer…
Here's my idea for an Electricity ultimate. (New) Electromagnetic Burst [ULTIMATE] Electromagnetic Burst unleashes a sudden blast of electricity around you that electrocutes your foes, leaving them drained and immobile. Animation: Telekinetic Eruption stance. While charging, electricity surrounds the user. While attacking,…
Honestly, I don't think Ice needs another ultimate. Rather, Fractal Aegis needs to get reworked into something more useful than just a defense buff. In my opinion, the power can be a bridge between damage and defense. Damage boost and Chill application aside (it honestly should've been able to apply it from the get-go),…
Ahh okay, I see. Yeah, the inclusion of specific numbers can make it come across as too much or too little. The 200% Hold Resistance is assuming the user in question has full Focus stacks. Still, the removal of the damage penalty paired with that potential hold resistance does seem like a lot. Perhaps the Meditative Focus…
I can see the need to drastically increase the cost of BCR given what it does. This paired with a lengthened recharge, somewhere around 30-60 seconds, and the inability to stack would decrease the power's spammability in my opinion. The buff to BCR's healing was made to offset said lack of stacking, though the increase to…
Here are some ideas for what can be done with BCR. Bountiful Chi Resurgence [Tier 2] -Energy cost slightly increased. +Healing slightly increased. +Heals you every second. -Power recharge increased to 20 seconds. -Duration reduced from 16 seconds to 10 seconds. -Can no longer stack. Advantages (New Advantage) Chi…
Here's my suggestion for some possible changes to BCR. Bountiful Chi Resurgence [Tier 2] -Energy cost slightly increased. +Healing slightly increased. +Heals you every second. -Power recharge increased to 20 seconds. -Duration reduced from 16 seconds to 10 seconds. -Can no longer stack. Advantages (New Advantage) Chi…
Here's my suggestion for a possible spinning HW attack. Havoc Spin [Tier 3] Havoc Spin causes you to spin around with your weapon extended outward, using your weapon's weight to empower your spinning and damage anyone unlucky enough to be near you. Animation: The user holds their Heavy Weapon outward and spins around.…
I get where the devs were going with Aspect of the Machine (killer robot on the loose), but the power is plagued with a laundry list of problems. No energy gain upon stacking, air-tight stacking method, not the best option for melee+ranged builds, the form really just has a cool icon to its name. Here's my idea for what to…
Given that the advantage would make Sniper Rifle a source of instant spike damage, it'd need drawbacks to keep it from being game breaking. If not a chance to miss, then a sizable reduction to damage.
I really like the idea of this advantage. Just needs some drawbacks to counteract the lack of charge and interrupt. Quick Scope [2 Advantage Points] -Sniper Rifle gains a 8 second recharge. -Sniper Rifle no longer Stuns your target. -Sniper Rifle has a 25% chance to Miss your target. +Sniper Rifle becomes a Tap power.
And here's my layout for the Marksman with these suggestions in mind. The Marksman Super Stats Level 1: Level 6: Intelligence Level 10: Ego Level 15: Dexterity or Constitution Powers: Level 1: Arrow Barrage Level 1: Marking Arrow Level 6: Barbed Arrow or Sonic Arrow Level 8: Hunter's Prowess Level 11: Torrent of Arrows or…
Let's give Bullet Hail some things for itself and distance itself from SMG Burst. Suggestion Bullet Hail [Tier 1] Bullet Hail unleashes a barrage of gunfire upon your foes, leaving them riddled with bullet wounds. +Changed description. +Innate 15% chance to cause your targets to Bleed. -Change to apply Furious decreased to…
I love these. These get all the yes from me. However, I am unsure if the Dodge Chance and Knock Resistance offered by Composure is supposed to stay static upon ranking it up. Here's some ideas for what can be done with Parting Shot. Suggestion Parting Shot Parting Shot causes you to backflip away from your foe, creating…
Having a mechanic that applies whatever if the target(s) aren't already affected by that whatever is fine so long as it does something else if that target's already affected, that way the power is more than just an initiator. Here's what I think can be done with the power. Suggestion Reaper's Harvest [Tier 1] Reaper's…
Bug Where it happens: Whenever you decide to slot Showdown What happens: You cannot slot Showdown Also, I love the changes and additions to the pistol powers, Execution Shot, Breakaway Shot, and Burst Shot especially. Here's some ideas for Execution Shot and Showdown. Suggestion Execution Shot [Tier 2] Execution Shot fires…
Suggestion Relentless [Tier 1] Mercy is foreign to you in the midst of combat, your desire to see your foe's end fueling your attacks as you capitalize on their weakened state. +Changed description. +Generates Energy whenever you score a Critical Hit on a Wounded or Weakened* target. *Weakness would be a tag to place on…
I had a bunch of other suggestions for Munitions, so I'm just gonna throw 'em out here and perform blood rituals in the hopes that they get noticed. Suggestion Gunslinger [Tier 0] Advantages Trick Shot [2 Advantage Points] +Gunslinger has a 50% chance to chain its effect to an additional target within 10 feet of the…
Rocket Launcher definitely could benefit from some work. Here's what I think the power could use. Suggestion Rocket Launcher [Tier 2] The Rocket Launcher is a fearsome weapon that fires an explosive warhead at your foes, demolishing them. +Renamed from Rocket. +Changed description. +Energy cost scales with charge time,…
TL;DR: Assault Rifle, SMG, Shotgun, Gatling Gun, Grenades, Bullet Beatdown, and Mini Mines could definitely use more than what it's given here. Munitions could also use its own slotted passive and block. Suggestion Assault Rifle [Tier 2] The Assault Rifle is an adaptable and reliable weapon capable of unloading a steady…
I'm all for the idea of the Fighting Claws set getting a revamp and the idea of giving it a focus on Deadly Poison sounds great. An alternative idea for the set would be to give it a focus on player positioning (i.e. attacking from the side or from behind) and/or Stealth, mostly because there seems to be something of an…
MA Kick Maintain you say... Hurricane Kicks [Tier 3] You spin around at great speed with your leg outward, kicking any and all foes near you.* Animation: Spinning Kick (akin to Ryu's Tatsumaki) * Melee AoE Damage – Knock Down * 10ft Sphere * Maintain * Deals Crushing damage to nearby foes. * 10% chance to Knock Down…
The internal cooldown itself isn't much of an issue. The advantage's biggest hurdle is that the healing it offers is too low for the advantage points you'd put into it. Making that heal sharing more viable is what the advantage needs. For example, the healing offering by GotS is 5% for each of your Focus stacks with an…
Part of me was thinking of making it something of accentuating the power's effects, making it grant you extreme energy for a roughly equal amount of health, with something of a downside so you don't automatically get that health back. Still, I see what you mean with the lowered healing and the limitation to just Darkness.…
Definitely. From what I know, the power just needs to be geared for player use since it's animation and effects are in place. How long it'll be before that happens is beyond me, but I hope it makes its debut soon, with or without the randomized effect I proposed. Yeah, it is. I'm not too sure if that's in reference to…
I love the concept of this power. I'd say that Frozen could also cause charge speeds/recharge speeds to increase for a short time, but that may involve giving the power a short cooldown to balance that out. To add to the pool of power suggestions, I came up with a Fire maintain a little while ago: Firestorm (Fire, Tier 2)…
From my experience with TK Blades, TK Blade powers scale with Ego to some degree. However, it isn't as pronounced as other Melee powers scaling with Strength. Part of me thinks that this was done because some of TK Blade powers have some neat tricks (Ego Weaponry's Critical Hit Bonus w/ Ego leech and Ego Blade Breach's…
I'm completely onboard with giving Laser Swords a boost, though I honestly believe that these powers should be put into their own framework instead of being in Power Armor. I understand that they're in there for laser sword-wielding mechs, but they don't fit in much with the rest of the PA Framework outside of dealing…
I am on board with this. The costume should also come with a back accessory of the sword. I think the sword itself should be something along the lines of a claymore.
Another way to make power tiers less intrusive method of balancing is to give powers a level requirement instead of a required number of powers within its framework or overall. It's already implemented for ultimate powers, so there's little reason why it can't be implemented for powers across the board. Second this.
The ability to fully customize sidekicks would be a great addition to the game. In my opinion, players should be given the reigns when it comes to customization. Still though, I think that for the game to bring in and hook new players, changes are going to need to be made to Westside to make it less boring, among other…