Sheesh. From a dry spell of weeks, to having been ambushed 4 times in the last 15 minutes(On Alpha). Killing prisoners in Desert region if that makes any difference. 9/9/18 Edit: Still no luck with Victorious
So I got this prob on two chars at the moment. Verified no active Nemesis missions. Nothing from defender or martin. And I spent 20 minute(each) running around one-shotting lower level enemy goons on both chars to see if I could prompt a Nemesis ambush for a clue drop, to no avail. Not sure what else I can try. So with…
I'm gonna go try this now and hope for the best. In case it doesn't work though, I was told in game that there's a dedicated thread that allows us to report no longer getting attacked by our Nemesis. Not seeing anything in my search results though. Can anyone link me to it?