On front page it says the server will be down for maint. at 7 am PDT/1400 UTC. I was under the impression its no longer Daylight savings time in US, so isnt those times conflicting if its supposed to say PST instead? :tongue:
Well well, I just bought the dragon helmet in AH, and went to look at it at the tailor, guess what no fricking helmet anywhere in the menus or when searching?! :mad: Edit: Just saw that the fix did not hold, dam wished I read the forum before I bought the helmet.. :frown:
Yeah sure, whats the point in testing anything anymore on PTS!? Went there to see if anything could be tested and when trying to change my build, cuz I do that mid-fights sometimes on 1 toon, it wouldn't allow me to set a new build... o.O Making this example to point out once again that the PTS build lately differs more…
I think Trailturtle has either gotten CO stacking confused or the Ebil copy paste troll got its hands trails posts yet again.. ;) Get a grip mr Trailturtle or we make mr Gemini and Teleios alli and make 1000 clones of Empress Lunara from JD to come after you.. teehehe.. ;) Oh and big kudos Cryptic for addressing bugs... :)