And lo, the streets and the markets and the fields were filled with campfires, alone and without purpose, blocking every passage with their lonely crackling light.
TF Prime Takara line had poorly cut stickers replacing most of their paint, and horrible miss-colored warts for minicon ports. The little build-it-yourself minicon weapons were the only thing Takara had over Prime in the US. Sorry, it's unrelated to the main topic, but I couldn't just leave that lying down.
That list doesn't really surprise me for the most part, though I would still argue that Marvel Heroes doesn't really count. Different people have different criteria, I suppose. And yes, Runescape, despite being an ancient game originally built in java and being a janky mess, still pulls enough popularity to even…
Uhm.. World of Warcraft IS Warcraft. Warcraft was the real time strategy that began all the lore used in WoW. Additionally, this...isn't wholly accurate, because it implies you don't know anything regarding LoL's origins. This, again, goes back to Warcraft, specifically Warcraft 3, and a ridiculously popular mod for it…
Honestly I read that and personally had disregarded it as irrelevant to the situation. But if it's definition is as you imply, then it's basically saying "you have no right to bring up the bad things someone has done because it might hurt their feelings."
So, Fred went from ascot jock to tribal tats bro, Shaggy went from a hippie to a hipster, Velma has a drone because...drones, I guess, Daphne went from token damsel in distress to...well I'm not actually sure what she is, but she has on purple "camo" pants and I can't take that seriously. And Scooby had actual emoting…
Maybe it's because I'm new to the forums, but I see nothing in the Arc forum rules, nor in the official ToS, implicitly stating that you cannot bring up the game handles of players or staff as a general rule. The only applicable case would be in referring to the section on "harassment" in the forum rules, but for me,…
On a side note, and I admit I haven't fully read through the entirety of this thread given its age so I don't know if it's been brought up, but why is the Marvel "MMO" even considered in the same category as CO or DCUO? If we're talking Heroes, that's not, strictly speaking, what I would call an MMORPG. It's Ultimate…
...Ah, actually I believe you're right. It's been a long time since I've read Spider-Man. I stand by my opinion otherwise, though. And I apparently really need to see what all the fuss over the reboot of Squirrel Girl is about.
Yeah, I'm not sure this is "less dumb" either. Costume and character redesigns aside, even as someone who does like a lot of the DC villains and anti-heroes I'm hard pressed to tell who half of these people even are. And the ones I DO recognize I don't like this movie's interpretation of. I wouldn't even rate this as a…
Not bad at all. I'm not sure Foo Fighters' particular music stylings quite fit, but overall that felt like the real Superman we've been missing lately in Hollywood.
I like how the entire middle third of her body is like a big fleshy target compared to her armored limbs and upper torso. xD Unless you miraculously glance off the tiny strip of thread masquerading as underpants.
Haha, talk about a necropost. Still, I hadn't seen this thread before and I like the idea, so I'll post as well. Sadly I'm a lazy chump who only has one character high enough level to even HAVE a nemesis, but I'll post them anyway. Our hero, the mighty miniature Russian dynamo that is Hammerfist. Standing shy of 5 feet…
I saw Cosmic Crusader's new look in game recently. It's pretty stellar (hardy harr). How did you post it as a video? Can you attach WebM videos or what? Continuing on, the newest addition to my character list came out much better than I expected, though I'm still not 100% on the face. If only the basic feline head option…
I still don't even get it. I heard about the concept early on even though I barely read comics these days, but I never understood the point. Spider-Gwen at least was an interesting "what if" parallel to Spider-Man, which sort of works because the two knew each other even before the bite accident. This is, by all rights,…
It's pretty straightforward, luckily. Upload your images to an hosting website, say Photobucket, Imgur, or the like, then copy the direct image link and paste the url into the drop-down box that appears when you click on the piece of paper in the formatting tabs at the top of your post, where it says "Attach image/file"…
While I'm not especially new to Champions, it has been quite a while, and I've never posted on the forum; so I figure, why not start here, even if it isn't a super active thread? I tend to prefer fairly streamlined, simple designs for my own characters, and fully admit to having a thing for nineties comics. With that in…