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siralleyne Arc User



  • I've generally lurked these forums from the get go, and I always liked his posts despite never getting the chance to meet him. Condolences to his friends and family.
  • Send them just about anything--within reason-- to send polite non-jerkish, but sinciere and candid message. I'm not advocating to or not to spend money on this game either way. I myself regularly purchase costume slots and the occasional key because of these new lock boxes that are actually tempting (I hate myself every…
  • Signed, signed. I certainly hope someone in Cryptic takes a look at this.
  • A more well crafted, and hand written version of this, will be going into the mail sometime soon. No TL;DR here. Dear, Cryptic Studios. The fact that we have communication, of some kind, is appreciated, and thank you for answering one of my questions that I posted. It has to be said now, however, that having something when…
  • I've noticed the game's tone becoming more serious(which to me is welcome, its a blast), Demonflame and Resistance come to mind, and while campiness is fun, are going to see more 'played straight' stories like Resistance or Demon flame, given your ownership of the diverse Champions IP? While 'Night Hawk's neighborhood' has…
  • >_> well hello there thread, mind if I bump ya?
  • *whistles* Wow, twenty five pages long. Hope this can keep up :D
  • Here's to someone in Cryptic/PWE actually seeing this. Good stuff all around in this thread.
  • What I would like is the foundry as we will see it in Neverwinter. The fact that it would be a huge creative outlet will be us This video is about 25 minutes long. But I implore that you watch it for the sake of knowing what a lot of people are asking for. Or perhaps don't realize what they're asking for, saying that in…
  • Yes pweaaaaase! Yes Please!
  • The idea for different mission 'tracks' with different themeatic tones was suggested a while ago for the NemSystem. It should be implemented there and so for regular content. Especially if I could get a chance to Vigilante it up in Hudson City :cool: But yeah. Generally, we have a lot of customization options as far as…
  • I'd want it to look like what they're saying the Foundry in NW will look like. Its a little bit long, but its worth the time spent watching to see what Cryptic is capable of. Its very clever and it takes care of a lot of the issues that have been already raised http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pn7iU4EwTc
  • Excellent suggestion in general, Foxy And, wow, nice detailed fleshed out set, Rokuro. /signed and signed again.
  • I still want that jacket/chest piece that not-adam-jensen is wearing.
  • And lets not forget the claw set... or heavy weapons.... And, even released costume sets that weren't entirely what they seemed to be in the concept art...I still want the variations on the head piece with the Steelhawk set.
  • Hi, I'm @Alleyne. Nice to meetcha. I'm a former Virtueite myself. I was never a fixture within the community, but I have some wonderful memories of CoX and am very saddened by the recent events... That said, welcome, feel free to ask any and all questions. For a good RP network I suggest joining CORP and here's Thundrax's…
  • Signed, Singed, SIGNED The ONE thing that sticks out in my mind as an absolute jems (so outrageous) in my memory from CoX IS emotes. I remember, playing for the first time in mid 2007, the thing that made me so immersed and wowed was the floating books emotes. The training emote where you did katas by yourself. The…
  • Well technically you can run anything with just the base rules :D I'm meaning more of a genre book with tips and different package deals (now older Hero System lingo) for villains. But on that same note I think that more content, perhaps even from the get go of character creation/tutorial, that is 'choice' driven . Rp is…
  • I like the general idea a lot. Like a lot a lot. More titles, perks and content-of-a-kind is always a good idea. I'm not aware if Hero Games themselves has ever come out with a villain supplement for the PnP, but I know myself I've liked to indulge in playing a more nefarious super-guy. Giving the civilians a wider range…
  • WarWitch is the best. I'd love to see her do stuff for Champions, hell, we may even be able to get her to actual write things that actually draw from the lore and are actual sincere stories.!
  • Sticky, sticky , sticky this post ! My first home, too, was Paragon City. The biggest thing I missed from City Of was the community, specifically the RP community, even if I was mostly an observer due to shyness. It'd be nice if we could get Dev participation, and I really, really think it should be "Welcome to Champions"…
  • I agree with this pretty much 100% **We Bit of Spoilers, if you haven't done the Night Hawk stuff yet** I mean...why specifically, other than 'oh he's obviously an evil ceo', was NightHawk investigation Franklin Stone? And exactly what was it that he uncovered that warranted Stone going through so much trouble to frame…
  • This with the appropriate attachments for hidden weapons, please :D
  • Like I said with my previous post, with the (hopeful) influx of refugees from CoX, and this community staying (civilly) vocal about it we'll get some good stories. Just read "Champions Universe" or even Thundrax's Lore Primer. There. Is. A. Lot. Of .Cool. Stuff. Writers will be writers and artists will be artist, but I…
  • In all fairness though MI IS/WAS in the PnP. Though I most definitely agree with your post's general point. The main problem I have is with how much camp there is in the game. :frown: Denny O'Neil (Batman writer in the 70s, editor for most Bat books in the 90s) said that camp is a one line joke along the lines of "Har.…
  • Whole heartedly and passionately signed! Hire as many of them as you can! PWE may hold the cards but, please, Cryptic lobby for some of these talented people that many of you probably know, and the newer faces on Paragon's team too!
  • I certainly hope so! :D I liked Mr.Brad's idea ,that he mentioned in the massively podcast , about event-content, costume set, alert, TP whenever something 'comes out'. So I was just a little bit confuzzled.
  • This is very unfortunate. Like a lot of other people posting I too did my time in Paragon City, patrolling the mean streets of King's Row. Did you know that Statesmen was originally Mr. Emmert's toon in the Champions table top game? I hope their's a silver lining for all those great people at Paragon and that some of them…
  • I'm actually all for making, this particular vehicle at least, and just as a template, jets about as fast a R3 Jeetboots/pack and giving the shift key a "boost" power that dramatically increases your speed at a cost of energy being drained as long as you hold down shift. No what I AM saying is the System itself, not the…
  • The Aks cryptic blog reads as follows. Snips and emphasis mine, obviously :) The system as seems to be planned, the future system not the little Hawkwing devices being tested on the pts, is something similar to what STO has. It being a 'different animal entirely' is good news in my book. Agree, if a vehicle user can have…
  • This sounds like a good idea! They've said this already...so. "We?ll likely start with a varied slate of releases that are very cool but somewhat conventional ? Fighter Jets, Hover Tanks and so on. Later, we?d love to expand into the more obscure ? things like magical winged chariots!"…
  • All of the ho-humming and negative feed back about vehicles. Its Not For You. Not everything in this game is tailor made for someone's individual and specific tastes. This is a ballpark game, there is room for every taste. I wasn't entirely thrilled with the buffet of ghosts, ghouls and goblins in Vibora Bay (especially…
  • Despite some of the misunderstandings and feelings in this thread there can still be a good conversation, that is, after all, what a message board is for. While it can be very much so tiresome in the vein of Oprah to share one's personal expierences, especially on a forum devoted to something as "trivial" as video games, I…
  • While the create a villain contest was a fun community event it begs the question if there is any more plans to use the champions books for more content?
  • Given that one of this game's strongest and most attractive features is customization, variety and cosmetics I have two related questions. 1. Is there any plan on looking at the Nemisis System further than henchmen customization? Such as having an entire 'rogues gallery' and custom Nem missions? This question is, in a…