Hello i'm a former city of heroes player and i usually play solo but i'm looking for a fun active group to team and play with on a weekly basis.I enjoy being part of SG's that are built in the Justice league/Avengers/Shield style as long as the players are active. So if you guys will have me in game my name is @sidestrike2.
my game hours are usually from nine to 11 or 12 i will be on around those times if your in game send me an invite or let me know your play hours so i know when to log in.
Hey is this group still active i came across it while browsing through the SG section and i like what your trying to do here with groups not so much for the name but i like your style its nice to see a group thats accepting of anyone thats really mature and not caring if your sighned up with until or primus like what some…