Being I guess as uninterested as untalented in "conventional" CO PVP I like the proposal here. But 1) PVP-newb friendliness + 2) joy of playing above satisfaction of (near-insta) victory + 3) freedom of choice(yetin elastic restraints) in builds looks like a very difficult -if not impossible - equation to solve to me. In…
My EDIT gets ignored so here it is: NOTE/EDIT: for clarity and search Friendliness, several questions imply Vampiric Sympathy adv. Also, any input on maxing PRE for Grandeur and/or gear_offense to feed Repurpose and "Guardicator" loop ? Significant gain on both sides of Drain Life ?
Back to the game after a 1460 days (!) break my first thought has been "where can I find good and useful info ?". In a wiki by the players for the players ofc. Thanks Lohr, Chalupa and everyone contributing to (re)build it.