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ruiiji Arc User



  • Tried this alert today. I give it a D for poor design and gameplay. 1) This is not "more challenging content". The end is a DPS race, period. It's just like Red Alert, only with more HP on the bosses. This is challenging how? By challenging ppl to max their builds? Be selective about their grouping? 2) The challenge level…
  • There's a PRE item drop spelled "Transcindental" -- bracers, I believe. The correct spelling is "transcendental". There's also a spelling mistake on one of the loading wait screens, but I can't recall which. And yeah I wish they used spellcheck as well. Looks so amateur.
  • Ah thanks for the clarification! Yes, the AI is borked such that more than 3 is pointless. Will keep testing with my variant.
  • I did watch your video prior to posting. How long did you survive? Did you kill them in the end?
  • The back and forth arguing aside, both of you have provided a great benchmark to strive for. Seeing there's not much else to do in this game, I'd like to up the ante even more: Tank 3 Shadow Collossi - using melee powers (those holds are *nasty!* OR - using only nemesis or q-vendor or equivalent gear OR - without the use…
  • Not to be picky, but when completing the new Julie Morgan mission, you don't "Accept Reward", according to CO you "Reward Accept". I mean, c'mon! Grammar much?
  • Mad props for the OP. Is it live or is it Memorex?!
  • These 2 from Kaizerin (and fix the spelling / grammar bugs as well!). And adding: 3. A simplistic, easy $5/mo subscription option. Even if all it granted was Zen, and maybe a special one-time "bonus item" for subscribing. Why would I want to encourage something I'd pay for? Because it's far more flexible than putting…
  • Champs going 'Roar'! Nice pics Kai. And happy hols to you as well.
  • If talking about this thread, PTS access is not sufficient. The volonteerism support needs to be taken one step further. Give a limited number of volonteers a formal path where their contributions are linked directly (via bug id#) to the releases. Put a bug testing rewards system in place, however crude, just to show CO…
  • Hi Kenpo, Thanks to Tammy Waffles' range build (though she doesn't know it, and I hope she reads this) I updated Marcus Aurelius' build. Here is an alternate configuration that I just solo'd Valerian Scarlet on TT Elite. It can probably be further gear optimized with more STR. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Marcus…
  • Therakiel's Temple on elite mode (up to Valerian Scarlet): Part 1 when against multiple minions is survivability Part 2 when against Valerian Scarlet is damage output -- it is timed and at some point she will become Enraged and essentially impossible to kill Not a good test for cannons or tanks.
  • My reply on this similar thread might help. http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=184391&page=2
  • FYI an SG mate noted this was still bugged and successfully used the workaround for Prison Break... which is: - don't rescue all heroes - kill the villain - rescue the remaining heroes (however many you left) - mission should complete which is analogous to the Prison Break workaround: - don't rescue all the guards - kill…
  • I haven't tried this build but the other one you posted for soloing Andrith (based on revitalize and manipulator) I did. It's really fun to play! I've been wanting to tinker with my hurricane-sparkstorm build and this might be a winner. Great stuff.
    in DeleteMe Comment by ruiiji December 2012
  • Why bother learning about passives when you can Smash your way to the top?
  • Got a prototype jet 1500CP refund as well, asked through the GM help function and referenced Agent's initial thread noting he got a refund. I think the consistent refund is specific to this "event".
  • I occasionally run an invuln tank, with most of my points in str (primary) and con (ss). I have about 11k in HP, and have both masterful dodge and resurgence. But honestly the best power for Grav was picking up rebirth. Nothing like bouncing right up again! And, as it's been pointed out, any other lairs or alerts are no…
  • Making friends with a good healer will significantly up your odds. So does playing this at lvl 40 and not lvl 7.
  • I have to say this is a real kick in the ***** for those who bought jets early.
  • I've been running a build based off this one for months. It's a blast to solo hard content on. I took MSA as it procs pretty damn fast with the int SS, 3 AD's and conviction as fuel. With FoTT, no energy issues on this build! ( I tested the ego energy unlock as well, but went with MSA in the end) Went back and forth…
  • If a company has a stock quote, it will have an annual report as they are required by the market regulators to file these. Since PWRD is an "ADR" class stock, they file less info. But in any case you do not need to own stock in any company to get this info. Go to their website and look for "Investor Relations".…
  • 1) More replayability. I don't care if it's new content, opening "one and done" lairs *and* adding better rewards to them, or the Foundry. 2) Better testing and release management: stop faux fixing or resurrecting bugs every. single. damn. time. You know, the old saying "an ounce of prevention..." really does work,…
  • This workaround might work for you. http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=172961
  • Nice and different! That spirit reverb + EB looks interesting... wonder if a decent sorcery build could be made out of that.
  • I experienced the first bug as well, where the villain could not be targeted. I found a workaround: don't save all the guards and the mission will allow Vengeance (that her name?) to be targeted, and thus killable. Once I killed her, the mission completed, but I went back and rescued all the guards just to be safe.
  • The powers look good -- though I'd drop the rank from MD and put it into Conviction. (trust me) Your choice of Con SS takes out the damage you gain from aggression, brutality, and overpower (from Str Spec tree) without giving you much dmg in return. Also, some choices like pointing points into deflection when you don't…
  • Hey Mauk, I retooled your build. You might want to change the order of things but this might be a good place to start. I haven't switched out the recovery points from the talents, though that may not be a bad thing. Another interesting option is to go AoPM (Aura of Primal Majesty) to solve your end issues... then tweak the…
  • Yes, huge thank you Trail Turtle. I'm sure way more players than just those who replied appreciate your efforts. Keep it up... and convince the rest of Cryptic to say hello more often!
  • (1) Rough numbers... easy enough. Whatever the full cost of the hire (usually salary + 15-20% more for benefits and admin) should be offset by the profit gained or cost reduced. So, say an experienced dev costs $100k salary+benefits, then we as a community should be enticed to spend more than $100k each year. Or, $100k /…
  • Test Fail: I entered the Andrith Ruins lair. On getting to Vikorin, he continually spams his mega hold attack (the one where he says "Your pathetic superpowers are no match for Lemurian sorcery."). This spam started almost immediately into the fight, with his health at around 5/6 full. MI, nemcon, and Andrith are fairly…
  • I tested Monster Island Crisis about 5 minutes ago and here are my results: 1) Could not find queue if the toon had already completed it (not at Drifter, not "totem pole" in MI, not sure where it is) - Test fail 2) Successfully queued "virgin" toon (solo) - Test pass 3) Successfully defeated Ripper - Test pass 4) Qwyjibo…
  • Just to clarify, 30 minutes is 18 tokens for me. And if I'm lucky enough to find a partner, that drops to 20 minutes for 18 tokens.
  • Sorry to burst your bubble. I've tried this workaround (ie. "destroy EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY THE DRILLING MACHINE") on the last Foxbat mission instance I got bugged. Did not work. You can try, and if it does work, good for you! (and please post it!) For now, I will just continue to log bugs whenever I run into it (probably…
  • FWIW, I can finish the entire Unity 2 chain in ~30 minutes with a good DPS'er. BUT, the end-cap "Foxbat There and Bat Again" mission is persistently bugged (they fix it, they break it, they fix it, then break it again ad nauseum). And it rewards 10 of the total 18 SCR that you would receive. Additionally, the Taffy Winters…
  • From Page 1 up to this post, here is the compilation of bugs. Took a first crack at categorizing and also attempting to remove duplicates. Took me about 30 mins to create this. I'm not putting any more effort into it, so someone else can take this and run with it. As an aside, total # and # by type is rather interesting. *…
  • There is also a testing method that ensures an agreed-upon # of "high / medium / low" severity bugs never make it to production. The number of bugs that have slipped into live due to this patch means either (1) none of those bugs merit importance, or (2) Cryptic never found them in the first place. The volume and severity…
  • Actually, you're 100% right. Apple Inc. uses UI as part of product design differentiation -- and they are making loads of money. I misrepresented myself. To clarify, what I meant to say is that good UI isn't a "get rich quick" payoff like say, become devices or costume packs. I think it's one of those "needs lots of time,…
  • Thanks, I tried that too (destroyed the drilling machine) as part of destroying everything in all the rooms. I still did not get the dialogue option, thus I logged the bug. Danielpenfold: no, I could not talk to Foxbat after all enemies have been defeated.
  • I have long had the same opinion as the OP. I visited TSW and STO and much prefer the cleaner UI's there. I'd add font type (comic book font is fat) and the redundant double - triple borders as changes for for consideration. Unfortunately, there is no money to be made in UI; though no doubt I would make a c-store purchase…
  • I used to feel the same way but could never prove it. The difference for me happened pre-alert, probably after the last whiteout release. Good to know of someone else who feels like lightspeed now has a shorter jump height. I thought I was (and could still be) imagining things.
  • The toons I get this most have acrobatics, lunge and/or combo powers. I used to get it on another toon with super speed, but I haven't really played her as much. (She has no lunge or combo powers). It seems linked to the buggy "strut" animation that happens when this occurs. I suspect it has something to do with any…
  • Just got this from Silverspar, a great tank and adding here: Tank test: I use Bludhound as a benchmark test since he has a ton of crazy debuffs. If I can survive without desperately holding block I think I do well.
  • Short Summary: Acrobatics power animation gets locked into "stutter step" instead of proper animation, travel power becomes locked and cannot be de-toggled Location of issue: Any map Reproduction Steps Create a female blade AT character (doesn't really matter, all my characters with this travel power have this bug) Log…