look all I want is to have my full SG rank restored and I believe a dev or anyone like a dev can do it and the player who had that rank has been banned sense 6/5/23 and my character is Birdman
here is the rank list I had in Freedomforce Junior Member Member Senior Member Junior Officer Officer Senior Officer Leader Super Leader she demoted me to Leader when I was at the Super leader rank her role in Freedomforce was to be the banker
what I said earlier is the truth also this was around October and November in 2018 when I took a break from gaming to recharge it was in this time frame that this player was promoted to Super leader by my cofounder and when I logged back on the name and emblem and the ranks had been changed I changed them back and this was…
Think about it in Star Trek online different fleets in that game form Armadas, and in this game if every Super Group come together those SG can help each other out.