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rianfrost Arc User



  • that pic does kind of give us some perspective here, not exactly rippling bicep definition. she was a superhero by rule of cool, rather the "this totally makes sense."
  • lets also be honest, lynda carter was not some "warrior ideal" of a ripped fighter, she was acceptable in the 70's in the way Adam west was batman and most superheroes who weren't "kato" and they hadn't exactly expected bruce lee to be the paragon of martial power himself. heck, at present katie perry is about as credible…
  • eh, its a cute thing, i dont hate it, it fits champions campy 80s cartoon vibe, ll of them had a musical episode. which usually was just the lead characters lip-synching the opening cedits song.. as for will they announce anything, or even speaking to the playerbase again, it would be nice, but not exactly holding my…
  • Finland would have custom sound effects for a theoretical sonic blast set based on different finnish metal bands. i'm getting the turisas and nightwish myself.
  • welcome,...just remember, we complain because we care...and we care a lot.
  • I would be happy if they added more striking abilities to the elemental powers,while i understand the idea of making them localized versions of whatever element they are discussing, comics are filled with punches with fists covered in ice or flames, and i rather liked what tehy did with stone and its hybrid strike/ranged…
  • ninja pants, a tae kwon do dobak top, and a chinese dress. bonus points for a kimono.
  • i'd be down with this, plant and water are bigger for me, but especially as a buff/debuff set, i'd love it.
  • that has been my hope for a long time, especially when they showed the dryad costume set. if it happens i will be very very happy. one thing co has that could be good is we already have the chain lash animations, so if they can just make it look like a thorny vine, they can save some animation work right there. if we want…
  • giving new meaning to "come at me bro"
  • t is true, this game has some amazing stuff that its only using for one or 2 ituations. i know i go on about it a lot, but the hi-pan dragon map, that game was @#$%ing amazing and its used ONE TIME do we have the development resources for that kind of extravagance? but yeah, this game ahs some beautiful settings, weird…
  • ignoring the heat death silliness, one thing that i loved about the phantasy star games is that they remained playable offline. I still pop in occasionally to psu just to see if i can find some neat looking rares. of course, they decided to not tdo that for pso2, so sega does what sega does best, messing up their good…
  • Its an mmo, they justify their continued cost to players by adding new things. i bought legend of zelda for a one tie price and got a closed product, i paid no more and got no more, the expectation with mmos is people play them for years on end becaue they grow and evolve. if you expect less, good for you, i would like to…
  • I dunno, for an mmo, having ceased almost all active development outside of low hanging fruit and lockboxes for over a year is pretty much dead. things have shown glimmers of hope recently, but for an mmo, the last 2ish years were pretty close to dead.
  • eh, i like robots and power-suits, and i like costumes so i'll buy it like i buy all the costumes. can i get some ninja pants?
  • nobody is up in arms, but saying content is on par with what we got last year is already deflating the content. we got 2 new permanent missions, 2. we also got a street hunt, and instance and a really cool rampage , and a cheesy race with a boring alert, and finally another alert. i mean, its cool to manage expectations,…
  • ehhh, thats very bad news. last year was ok for a learning year for the new developers, but for a second year, that is really looking skimpy. i mean, i will admit, didnt play foxbat, maybe it was great, but last year was 3 instanced missions, a few street hunts, a race that wasn't particularly fun without a vehicle, a nice…
  • Bocelli, Brightman, get in here, we doin' a trio. I go out in a musical number.
  • Nobody able to speak on the topic knows whats going on behind the scenes, including you. After enough neglect, faith is hard to find for all but the most zealous. evidence, not vague and unverifiable innuendos. the 2 years of evidence have not been kind, 2 permanent missions in nearly 2 years, you have to earn back trust.
  • i get your point..but people have different reasons for playing, and nw has none of what i want. co has deep customization, nw has set races and class specific armor. co has a setting that accommodates wuxia, fantasy, sci fi and modern concepts, nw is just western fantasy. no lasers, no unarmed martial arts, no mech armor.…
  • i'd like to see something else done with the really amazing looking art they made for th hi-pan dragon alert. it seems wasteful to have that beautiful looking background and only use it for one alert, make 2-3 instanced missions with that too, im not talking a lot of unique stuff, make it a multi-objective mission with an…
  • I dont read a lot of comics, but at present, adam warren is my favorite, kind of an intersection of manga and western comics.
  • not that I am a general advocate for violence.. but that was my experience too, the beating had to be significant and total, to communicate why they did not want to continue the situation but it stopped things. not really applicable online. though, cant take a chair to someone over the internet.
  • far from it, but i also get annoyed when a core group of haters exist to bash it, if we had a functioning "follow post" function, i was jsut saying in another thread how good looking Lemuria was and how much i liked aftershock, but by all means, hate away. again, normally id come on to discuss the new content thats either…
  • you could get to level 8 or so in less than 20 minutes, would you respect the opinion of someone who downloaded this game played the tutorial, and assumed the whole game was just your energy builder and your secondary attack? its fine, people have different opinions and valuations, but your comment sounds bizarre, if you…
  • conversely i'm thinking you have your coh hater glasses on because i played a ss/elec brute and i do not recall any significant downtime once i learned how to space my attacks right. and i really didn't recall seeing that with my ma/sr scrapper who was my namesake, at least not a noticeable one. and the pace of the two…
  • well, if you are new, its good you are having fun the content will be new for you , nd i especially recommend aftershock, thats a good build up and pay off, and lemuria looks beautiful. just take your time because we really don't get new story and mission content.
  • hear here..are you queued up for an alert? now running regular content which had a number of branches, task forces, mayhem/safeguards, radios, morality missions, ssas , mission archetecht stuff and incarnate trials. that seemed more fun.
  • hope and delusion are only truly distinguished in retrospect. but the alternative is status quo. incidentally, i didnt see it by checking their site, but is valiance going to have offline compatibility as well? that is a big deal for me. i know cot is working towards that
  • can i find new mission content with rose colored glasses? why has nobody told me sooner? :P
  • i remember those threads..but here thereis just thread after thread about "when are we going to get non-vehicle content" so circle of life, ya know. that was the funny thing about those forums..we had content to argue about.
  • i notice you use very weird attribution statements when dealing with people's motivations. "bashed" players? i remember the letter, and outside of interjecting extensive projecting, there was no bashing. and exploits aside, ma still was a great place for creative players to make some really impressive stuff. I still…
  • While goign rogue definitely lengthened the gap between here and coh to the point of comedy. issue 14 brought what was basically our "foundry" really our worst time was 7-9 7-8 took 6 months between and 9 was small. though paper missions beat the pants off of "civilian run up" missions here as far as theme , structure and…
  • i don't think that a lot of us are using wow's content schedule as a barometer, frankly the few times i played wow, its archaic graphics were jsut killing me. we complain about coh's fingers, my draeni monk's outfit didnt even have a unique polygonal mesh till i was nearly level 20. there was another superhero game with a…
  • that is pretty much it. i could stomach vehicles and lockboxes more if we were getting permanent missions and powers still. as it stands, co just continues to disappoint. and it gets slammed into a gamblepack, its not "lockbox or no", its yet another thing that we asked for put in the least user friendly method of…
  • ncsoft would have a lot of locusts and frogs.
  • that is the problem, though, why trust you? or any player really, but especially those who are reliably pro or anti co, bias is assumed. You are not a developer, you are not an authorized spokesperson and to say that your posts indicate a strong bias..its just not that anyone is particularly credible. and those who would…
  • 1. i would try to add more missions to move the stories forward. try to develop some of the characters better. instanced content would be the order of the day, you can control more variables that way. 2. working on smaller zones. i think one of cryptic's weakensses is that the zones are giant and accommodate multiple level…
  • more powers, or at least more diverse ones, maybe, co has alot of powers that are mechanically similar. but my reason for liking p:a is that it works offline. as of november of last year, i have come to appreciate the virtues of continued ownership. though to be honest, i have never cared for mmos as a genre, the gameplay…
  • project:awakened would be coming out then and i could ditch the deadweight of mmos for a good offline customizeable superhero game. that or coh would be coming back with an offline playable mode and support for a form of small population private server hoasting. and some ncsoft execs would be making the announcements…
  • never underestimate a glorified costume creator. If making a character that is uniquely your as much as can be done without getting an art program out and making it yourself is important to you, congrats, co is quite literally the only game in town (yes i know dcou..its costume creator sucks) nobody really seems into the…
  • @Well, in the case of david, i did mention that he was on on Saturday nights, not sure what that said for his or my social life, but that's not really working time, plus they did produce more, a lot more than this game ever got, an almost comical amount more of missions zones costumes, you name it really, so that really…
  • well, it kind of does. the forum interaction generally didnt have a cost toit (not applicable tot he herocon thing, i know), a dev hopping on to talk to us made alot of difference in the perception. heck, remember how much people here liked when taco would come and talk to us? that made people feel better about the game.…
  • not sure your point here. people say the developers cared because they regularly interacted with us. we got ustream live chats with the developers, david N(the lead character guy) popped in often on a saturday night to chat with us on the forums and discuss costumes and development, and we had our big reveals at pax and…
  • yeah, that was twice though,issue 7 and 8, i think issue 13 was close, but compared to how long it has been between any thing approaching an issue here, its still not a positive comparison.
  • Yes, its not ideal, but its the cryptic we deal with. if its what it takes to get a zone. but it had better be good, or else no cash.
  • i dislike self checkout lines. the second a store gets them they slash the cashier staff to nothing. You are not going to use me as unpaid labor just so you can ncrease the exec's quarterly bonuses a little more from the cashiers you were underpaying anyhow that you now aren't employing.
  • hmm i came in a little later, its funny but after phantsy star online and a few failed attempts to get into other mmos, i was pretty much done with mmos, the electronics boutique guy kind of had to twist my arm...and then once i got hooked, yeah. I wouldnt expect cryptic to do anything..and no, thats not a lead in to a…
  • i'd say in addition to that, the 80's wrestling was the land of insane physiques. the level of definition and growth these guys were doing on their aggressive road schedule? that doesn't happen without either being a genetic mutant or , more likely, shooting up all manner of performance enhancers, regardless of the long…
  • in the video game series "mass effect" one of the alien races was the elcor. they communicate in a very subtle fashion that their race can understand but their voice has no intonation. so when they speak, they mention their emotion so the more expressive races can understand them. so they might say "releived, i'm glad". or…