Ah thanks, sometimes the different timezones and daylight saving stuff confuse me. From what I gathered at that point I should've been able to play for around two hours... mea culpa.
'Don't play on Patch Day' still as true as always. The furthest I got was the character select screen...in two out of roughly twenty times I tried to play today. No crashes though, just no connectivity...as if the login server is blinking in and out of existence. I don't know what you've done, but every now and then I'd…
What indeed? Oh right, your internet access for quite some time. When was the last time you had to download every update in one go? Doing it right now, as thech support couldn't help with my problem (probably a corrupt patch -.-) and re-installing was their last advice. Bye Bye Bandwidths :frown:
Great, whatever the tech guys did broke my launcher. As soon as I click on "Play" it crashes. "(null) has encountered an unexpected crash." Assertion failedProgram: ...SVN Revision: FC.31.20130110.9 (SVN 142075(http://code/svn/FightClub/Baselines/FC.31.20130110.0(branch svn = 142622)) Gimme 01101313:23:18)(+incrs)Time: Wed…