I've always regarded MMOs as a metaphor for real life. Real life is a massively-multiplayer game too, but you don't have to do everything grouped there either. It's like driving to a destination. Sometimes you carpool, sometimes you drive yourself. If you carpool you save money and you can switch out drivers if you want…
I have no idea why it isn't already in the game, heh. Just one more text entry box to mess with in the tailor UI, I suppose. I'm glad you guys are finding it useful. Might I ask - Is anyone here using Windows 8? I had heard reports that it wouldn't work on 8...
The grav bikes are cool and all, but honestly? I want that raked out chopper in the background. I'm okay with it not flying. Honest. Superspeed is locked to the ground, it'd be okay for a vehicle to be locked to the ground, too. A large number of my heroes are of the street-level Punisher-type. p.s. Lockboxes with the only…