This is almost certainly a side effect of this: Because bind on pickup costume pieces unlock instantly when they hit your inventory. You should still have gotten a message in chat and on your HUD, but nobody who opens a thousand boxes is going to see it.
We try to get the notes posted during the downtime so this doesn't happen, but the timeframes we're given to work with are estimated. We put a time we expect players to be able to access the update in the patch notes. This time around, it seems that you managed to log in about 2 minutes before PTS came down for the update.
The Squirrel tail isn't going to animate the way other tails do. It would have to be stretched straight out behind the character for that. This one is an upright tail.
If you're logging in right after PTS notes go up, pay attention to the version number in the patcher progress bar and make sure it matches the version number in the notes. The listed time is an estimate, and sometimes the notes go up a little bit before PTS gets updated.
This build will be available on PTS after 6:30 PM today, 2/13/2015. Release Notes for FC.31.20141212.13: Preview: * Added the missing leather and metal materials for the F. modern labcoat in the Scientist set. * Fixed some categorization errors with the head pieces in the Scoundrel set. * Added a Scoundrel's Lockbox…
* Fixed patch notes to remove "snd" typo and reference to adding new patterns. There were some patterns that had been only available to f. scientists, but are now available for m. scientists as well.
Known Issues: * Cosmic Keys of Power are not available in the Debugger shop. This was an oversight. They'll be available in the next PTS update. * Engine effects for the Tigris Interceptor are comically incorrect. * The Scoundrel's long coat has some stretching and cloth-weight problems. We know about these things, and…
This build will be available on PTS after 6pm today, 1/15/2015. Release Notes for FC.31.20141212.6: Preview: * The Debugger Store has two upcoming vehicles based on the Millennium Spirit 903E bike.
Release Notes for FC.31.20141212.2: Preview: * The Krampus Lockbox now drops the correct rewards. * The Krampus costume set has had numerous bug fixes, including texture improvements. * The Urban Anime set now properly unlocks the chestwear tube top. * The Urban Anime set has had numerous bug fixes. * Added the January…
That should take care of the problems everyone was seeing with the costume set. We're tossing all feedback on it from the first three pages and starting over from here. .14 is up.
The 'vignette' is how we internally refer to the current-lockbox display in the Ren Cen ring, with the vehicle and the costumed Q-store vendor. I don't think we usually refer to it that way outside the office, so that patch note is probably fairly confusing until you read this post.
Hey, PTS. We're fixing the problem with the mods. Thanks for catching that. Design Notes for the Timewarp Lockbox We're about to do an event where older lockboxes drop. You can see that on PTS, and we've done some trivial work on a couple of those boxes to bring them up to current specs. (Fancy banner in the tooltip,…
Release Notes for FC.31.20140919.7: * The Toy Master in Ren Cen will exchange your unused, bound Mechanon, Mechanon Spider, or Liberated Mega-Destroid action figure for an unbound copy. Note that once you have used your action figure, it is no longer an item in your inventory and cannot be exchanged.
Thanks for the feedback! To tide you over until the next PTS update, I've got a couple of answers for you: 1) It is 100% a bug that you aren't getting out of combat healing. That's being fixed. 2) We're looking at what we can do to mitigate the problems that zero gravity movement is causing for some powers. As a…
When we added the "Alpha" variants in .5, we converted existing Kusarigama bikes from .4 into Naginata Alphas for reasons having to do with internal naming conventions. Most likely, you're just seeing a "formerly-Kusarigama-but-now-Naginata Alpha" in that slot.
The LemInvasion Exocets are on our radar. We're not going to make you try to chases them down as they are on Live. Micromunitions is unavailable on the Q-store. Some of the Debugger store vehicles have them slotted, though.
Ha ha! Okay, I know what's going on here, and we'll get it fixed in the next push. (In case you were wondering why the Aura System took so long, it's because Auras are dangerous, folks!)
A couple of quick notes about the Finkle Foundry: 1. We didn't remove any of the previous drops. 2. Costume pieces that dropped as BoP last year now drop as BoE. 3. Clarence will still rampage. I'm not sure if we have that active on PTS or not.
Try the first blue in the seventh row. That's what the defaults for both of those were set to in the previous build. We had to change the default to the top corner red to make the default button work correctly. (The hue-shifting system cannot make white or black. Blues are usually the closest approximation.)
Those are the Legacy Auras, which are character-bound, and every character gets one for free. Those are there for character continuity because we removed them from passives. Did you like the special effects your slotted passive gave you? Get the Legacy Aura with those effects for free. The real meat of the aura system is…