Thanks for the replies. In case you hadn't noriced due to my posting times, I'm rather a late-player, so that may be important to note (Late being past midnight-ish Eastern US time.) I'll check out both suggestions and either send a PM in-game or do an application in your respective sites if it's required.
Still no fix for this and right when the double XP event came on... Come on! What is going on, why is this not fixed? I have seen posts going as far back as April with this problem, for crying out loud...
Having the same problem. I decided to come back and do a small test as free-to-play, haven't played in nearly a year. Have a few silver slots to make a new character and was going to sub, if I think it's worth it after running around as an AT, but I can't create any new characters. Always 'No available character slot'…