Great work! I've subbed off and on over the years ,but now I can stop subbing and never, ever start again without a qualm or a regret! Thanks PWE! You made quitting you too easy on this one.
I have a character that would deliberately sit there and think dirty, graphic thoughts at her if she said something like that to her, in one of those 'I'm not stuck here with you; you're stuck in here with ME' sort of ways.
I've never been impressed by bad guys in tabletop games that are arbitrarily more powerful than player characters can or are designated to 'should™' ever be allowed to be. Starting PC's certainly shouldn't be as powerful as established master villains or veteran heroes, but if no one can possibly ever be as powerful as…
PnP Gravitar is pretty beastly, but has psychological weaknesses galore as well as relatively exploitable holes in her defenses. In game? I've made soloing her a point of accomplishment on various solo PvE builds which, as far as I'm concerned, means that our characters can effectively rival the likes of Gravitar in…
I do tabletop-like stuff with some of my friends on here. We've got (admittedly simplified) hero system character sheets for our characters and the whole shebang. We've made our own challenges and our own fun in that fashion, so I suppose for us its less a 'better IMVU' and more a 'tabletop gaming engine'. Its been rather…
And the duck goes 'Quack', and the moose goes 'MOOSENOISES!', and the elephant goes 'Toot!' and the server goes 'HERPADERPA BRAAAAAP A'DERPADERPDERPDERP!"
I personally like how, as a freeform, I can build my own 'difficulty' and further set my difficulty mode on the fly. CO here can be INTENSELY challenging...if you want it to be, as a freeform. Granted, most I say such to ask 'why should I gimp myself for a challenge', but that's the price of freedom. And with a freeform…