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prootwaddle Arc User



  • Aye, it would be a rebuild but Champions Online would be a base. Where would the game-play be? It would provide a city to patrol, it would allow you to discover the current state of the game every time you played and access dynamic missions that'll have consequences.
  • It would be very large but it would use the potential of the system. Have you ever watched the traffic, followed a civillian or had people thank you for saving the city, for example?
  • Think of Windows of being perpetually scared of bad software so it passes the buck by continually asking you whether you want to do want you just tried to do.
  • Thank you for the replies. I had a lot of answers to this question, when asked in the Milennium Center, ranging from 300 to 600. Getting it right is key as I'm not that keen on stripping my character down and then finding I can't afford to complete the task. I've raised 130 globals so far, splitting my time between Alerts…
  • If their Elder Gods exist, which they do in this superhero universe, then their religion has no conflict with science. They advocate a different ethical perspective to humans but this does not mean they don't cast themselves as heroes, seeking to restore what they perceive to be the proper order.
  • A thing to remember with the launcher issue. If you go into the installation directory for Champions Online you can actually find the CO executable so you can run it directly. Look at C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\Champions Online\Live for example and run the GameClient.exe instead of the launcher.
  • Someone has used my NeverWinter thread to ask for their ability to start a thread to be unlocked and therefore move to their NWO discussion over to there. It was indeed my mistake to feed these trolls on this thread, by responding to the people who pretended to be offended. My bad. :redface:
  • Yes, indeed I was sorely remiss.
  • I guess some people only role-play British characters. Fair enough.
  • I managed to find the time to investigate this with my 40th level Soldier, getting the mission first from Dr Silverback, and at first I could not do any damage or draw any aggro. I tried nearly everything and nothing worked - until I tried the Shotgun on him. This knocked him, damaged him a little and allowed me to defeat…
  • Tell that to my two 40th level Champions Online characters, a Behemoth and a Soldier. I was grumpily advising how fans of NeverWinter how they could use the NeverWinter forums and in doing so forgot about avoiding the use of irony here.
  • You are allowed to start your own threads in Neverwinter by posting there, for when mods realise you are not a troll they enable your accoun, allowing you to be able to start a thread. So don't complain about not being able to start threads in this forum, instead simply go and talk about NeverWinter inthat forum.
  • I hope you somehow manage to enjoy whatever you do next .
    in Good Bye Comment by prootwaddle May 2013
  • This is the way of MMOs, they are unpredictable like this. CO has survived in it's current state and it will probably continue to survive. In MMO terms it is a sleeper hit, with a strong following that constantly brings in new people that find a competent enough MMO well-stocked with content. The new variant of CO isn't…
  • Likewise a failed NeverWinter could finish off CO as Cryptic might struggle to survive.
  • For some people the doom and gloom is all they live for.
  • Very useful for lots of costumes. /signed
  • The survival of Cryptic probably depends on a good NeverWinter release and all the signs that the game will reach the audience it is intended to: the rump of the D&D market that plays D&D4. With that smallish segment, act as a the tip of an iceberg, should come a wider, younger audience thirsting for the thrills of…
  • We had BBC Micros around when I was reading my Computer Science degree in the 80s; two lurked in the main library, if I remember correctly. There has always been a rich vein of non-official D&D games around as well such as Colossal Cave and Rogue (my favourite descendate of which is NetHack).
  • Strangely enough I saw a Peter Pank character in CO recently. Quite an obscure comic figure, Peter Pank is punk Peter Pan who lives in a adult version of Never Never Land rewritten to suit "punk" sensibilities. The toon was very clean cut but the essentials were correct.
  • As an old D&D player from the 70s, who has played countless D&D computer games as they progressed from ASCII to computer graphics, I thought I'd give my tuppence worth. I recognise some of the art assets and direction and these probably came from the earlier game before it was adapted from a full MMO (i.e. put on the…
  • I try to raise Global directly by beating up enemies as I look for skill objects as I complete missions or invent tasks of my own. I have been tempted to buy keys and sell them but I'm saving up my Zen for two extra slots, which is quite a considerable outlay.
  • The good news is that if enough people report in about a problem like this, whether it worked for them or not, people could probably figure out a workaround. The people who have expressed the same issue probably tried to play Demonflame solo. I would love to be able to look at the mission and see if I could correct it.…
  • I managed to have a stab at this and I couldn't get the timing correct. The Demon Key would die at the wrong time, respawn and head back to being stuck in the wall. This was after I dropped the quest and restarted Demonflame to work back to the same point. I'm not going to give up yet, I'll see if I crack it. Thank you for…
  • You have to remember that people wouldn't bother spending the time posting pictures of themselves in dodgy costumes if they didn't have an interest in the game.
  • I'll second this. This game is enjoyable but largely abandoned. There is a lot to play through for a new player and not everyone is discontented.
  • If you put gear into the modification window you will notice that some items do contain mods, which can be stipped out.
  • These steps seems entire reasonable. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/a/nxcooking-dll-not-found-missing-error.htm Essentially scan for malware, just in case, and then consider reinstalling CO.
  • This is the one I like the most. Very eclectic.
  • The LTS is what stops me getting a subscription because it is better value. A subscription is what prevents me from buying Zen because it is better value. If I had the disposable cash to spend on an LTS, I'd buy one.
  • Just thought I'd expand on this ... Essentially Habsro brought Wizards of the Coast, who in turn had brought TSR earlier. TSR was Tactical Studies Rules, the company that owned D&D which was run into the ground with AD&D2 by the Buck Rodgers estate.
  • Try to connect with your old account with one of your new PCs. This will tell you if there is a problem with your old old PC. However you probably need to contact CO support for an account connection problem like this. Someone else will be able to tell you how to do this.
  • It could be because the behaviour I have seen within a Power House (PH) where you don't seem to be entirely logged out if you log out within one. I believe that this is because the game is seeking to avoid a redesign being locked due to a log out in the same way a redesign is locked when you leave a PH. You can try it for…
  • It might the first sign that Cryptic is starting to realise that costumes are far more important to players than vehicles?
  • So this is essentially, if I understand it correctly, a cunning ploy to ensure that the Demon Key is killed in the last battle in the Pale Queen so he respawns in the correct place one he is needed to release her? My game time has been greatly reduced recently but I'll seek to reproduce this.
  • If you go to the Therakiel's page on the wiki it list the items that he drops and one of them is Therakiel's Sword. As it is listed as a Heavy Weapon Skin, it is probably a heavy blade.
  • Essentially with Champions Online you have to be pragmatic. The game is still here, which is a better situation than CoX, but you can't realistically expect any improvements - the whole game is effectively "as is" and you either take it or leave it. Earning Questionite to get the vital few things you want from the Zen…
  • Glad to have helped you out with something. By reputation it works for both of them but I only have the Luxury version. Essentially the Penthouse is in Millennium City and you can use a travel power to depart via the balcony. Once the instance becomes grey you are offered to travel to Millennium City and you appear in the…
  • jaazaniah1, hyperstrikecoh, Thanks for the reports. After some consideration I decided to drop the mission entirely and have another stab at it later but it looks like there are still issues but maybe only if you solo it. As for keeping up with the Demon Key at the start I dealt with him running off by using Follow on him.…
  • The Cooldown on Mighty Leap is the one I feel the most. As someone who often can be found searching for Science objects I am rather tempted by an extra Topography item for when such an activity is my primary purpose.
  • I've stripped a few mods from quest gear but I have to admit I didn't always check. Once I got Heirloom primary gear I did realise that I could happily sell my Soldier alt's primary gear though.
  • I originally was building up Zen for a two extra slots to add to my Silver account but a last week or so I bought a Penthouse Hideout for the shared bank, transferring resources and the quick(ish) return to Millenium City. My Soldier farmed while my Behemoth slowly continued the RetCon process. The Hideout was such a…
  • That might just cause inflation, pushing the prices of the more desired items beyond what a Sliver can raise again unless the increases exactly matches that of a Gold. At the end of the day resources only have so many uses.
  • Maybe they are reset and renamed Hulk clones?
  • Champions Online remains an excellent MMO, it simply hasn't had hardly any development recently. It will constantly draw older gamers, maybe at a trickle, who will enjoy the depth of content, the humour & strong storytelling and simply enjoy the experience. I've been playing for months now and I've yet to exhaust the game.…
  • Thanks for the advice. I've been hoarding my mods, working on my Behemoth's science skill and thus fusing whatever I find so I have quite a range of sets of mods and enhancements working their way up to R7. This is taking some time but it is also enjoyable so I'm not complaining.
  • While people are on this subject I'm currently working on building up a set of three-slot Heroic gear with R7 mods for my Behemoth. What would people recommend? My currently plans include the Heroic Breastplate of Agility, which I bought cheaply from the Auction House, but I'm still considering the Primary Offense and…
  • You'll pick up Questionite without really trying here and there. You simply have to open the Questionite Boxes and press the button to refine it from time to time. If you like things in the Questionite shop you can use it directly there. If you prefer items in the Zen shop you can trade Questionite for Zen without too much…
  • Worrying about this top ten list would be like worrying about a trashy, irrelevant gossip columnist fibbing about your favourite celebrity. The MMORPG list, when you only look at the Super-Hero genre, is more credible.
  • Accounts from play-to-test Beta weekends indicate that this fully fledged MMO is just like CO with at least one MW forum moderator explaining that spider climb will not be available because CO does not have wall crawling. NW seems to have D&D-style art assets and flashier animations (in order to appeal to the younger…