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powerphist Arc User



  • Best content since the Gravitar Alert was put in, good to see you guys are getting back on the right track. This was something new and different to Champions online and I enjoyed it. On a side note, I would still like to see something bigger, at least on the scale of the comic series if not a new area or Adventure pack.…
  • It was a fun fight and they are cool. This is the attitude that has been bringing down MMO's for the past couple years, a small amout of the gamer population wants to be relaxed, unwind , and not be challenged. To them I say go watch TV or play your facebook games. Gaming is about solving puzzles, thinking on your feet and…
  • This is completely the wrong attitude, if people are complaining about it being not challenging enough when its new then it needs to be more challenging. This event and the gravitar Alert were just right in my opinbion, I've been running about 15 of my toons though this each day, the first couple times I didnt know what I…
  • was reading the vehicals portion of the until report, sounds awsome, hope this item gets bumped up the list. Also hoping the first vehical is a motorcycle, lots of my toons would beifit from this. #1 how far into the planning stage is the vehical system, and when can we expect to see it on test? #2 When are we going to see…