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podsix Arc User



  • Meanwhile on Star Trek Online.. my signature is fine.
  • Possibly as a perk for completing the tutorial? After all, that's where we get our "fame" as far as the NPC citizens seem concerned "You did a great job fighting off the Qularr!".. seems appropriate that we'd be able to be "THE <hero name>" at the point that random NPCs are coming up to us asking for autographs. I'd also…
  • I simply could not agree more with this. Please open the costume creator up! it's one of CO's best selling points.
  • Please give us the ability to display images inline in this thread, and I'd be happy to participate. I'll probably participate anyways, but inline images would make it a certainty.
  • I'm in favour of this, if only because it would allow "japanese school girl" to change into a giant fighting mecha.
  • Looks pretty neat. I'd love to see a video of what this AT is capable of.
  • What's your source on that? http://sto.perfectworld.com/community/veteran-rewards/
  • If you're gonna go THERE... Silver Hawks, Thundercats, I'm pretty sure He-Man did use a vehicle in combat on rare occasion as well. Then as we slide down the "superhero" ladder to the "general animation" fare, we can't forget Speed Racer, and both Factions of Transformers, who not only frequently did battle in their…
    in Vehicles Comment by podsix August 2012
  • Just because "it's always been done that way" doesn't mean it's good to keep doing things that way.
  • More racial and ethnic diversity would be better in general. Preferably without the Hi-Pan/New Purple Gang style stereotropes. Not every asian needs to be a samurai or a warlord, not every black person needs to be from Africa with an African name, not every Indian needs to be bald, thin, and a meditating monk, not ever…
  • - Can we please have Color and Alignment BBCode in our signatures? (STO has them) - Will you please do these more often? We miss dev interaction with the community.
  • You know, whenever a new game is in closed beta, people fall all over themselves trying to get into the beta. People will spend ridiculous amounts of money pre-ordering a game they barely know anything about, just to get into the beta. The videogame magazines hold raffles and contests to award a limited pool of beta keys,…
  • Regarding your new "temp sig" Constructive Criticism: That grey background looks a little weird against the forum background. Also the text on the character area is a little hard to read. Suggestion: Take a screenshot of the forums, and sample the background color, then replace that grey with the forum color. Also try…
  • Only one person said anything like that, and she said that she thought that ALL image sigs were pretentious. Everyone else seemed to be either arguing with her, or giving you the opinion-based feedback that you asked for in your post.
  • Needs more comic-book. :smile:
  • I never said it did. I said that Freedom of Speech was a Human Right. Something jonsills claimed didn't exist. The poster is entitled to his opinion, just as you are to yours. Ironically, that's also covered by Article 19.
  • All laws, and all "rights" are indeed "just words". At any moment, a man or a woman with a weapon and the will to use it, can take away your life, your liberty, your property, and your happiness. They can rob you of your freedom to speak, or take whatever they can from you. All the laws in the world won't stop a bullet.…
  • Well, Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948) would seem to disagree with you. Incidentally, the phrasing of Article 19 is in part related to why the UN has been considering whether access to the unfiltered…
  • Welcome to the clubhouse, noob. :biggrin:
  • Not that I think that post counts are terribly relevant.. but displaying our post counts would certainly be more indicative of how much we participate than that "Jul 2012" date.
  • Astro Boy, Speed Racer, TranZor-Z, Battle of the Planets, Starblazers, Robotech, Voltron, Captain Harlock. These were ALSO "Anime". Conversely, Power Rangers was Sentai, albeit much later Sentai. Ultraman (or shows brought to the US in a similar vein as Ultraman, some MechaGodzilla stuff too) was also Sentai. The…
  • We need us some ultraman style costumes, and various "Giant Lizard" (moth, turtle, robot, whatever) options, paired with a "grow super big" and "make random sign-language gestures then project a beam from your hands" power set.
  • Turns out, Target sells the PWE cards online. http://www.target.com/p/perfect-world-gaming-card-20/-/A-12853287 Also, you could consider using a third-party payment handler, like PayPal, Google Checkout, Skrill, ClickAndBuy, or Online ?berweisung... Or you could use prepaid cards and or vouchers from Playspan, Rixty,…
  • if only... my 2400 CP from my LTS to STO would be SOOO awesome to have for CO.
  • You could even buy the cards online (again, Target sells them via their website, not sure about the other stores), then either have them delivered to the intended recipient, or receive them yourself and then do the above.
  • Apparently not. At least, nothing new.
  • All open orders will be cancelled. If you were selling C-Points, you'll get those C-Points back, if you were selling Questionite, you'll get that Questionite back. Your C-Points balance(s) will become 1.25x as much (the number will go up), and the points will be called Zen.
  • Well to be fair, Atari was in the midst of absorbing Cryptic when it decided to sell it off. Remember when we got converted over to "Atari Tokens" and suddenly all support had to go through the atari site, and we were getting handed down rules that banned the use of languages other than English on the forums, etc etc. This…
  • Here's some stores that stock them: https://billing.perfectworld.com/faq/store - there's a a picture of some of the cards there too, so you'll know what to look for. The cards say "Perfect World" on them just like the logo at the top of these forums. Looks like some of those stores even sell the cards through their…
  • This sort of thing happens to me from time to time.. and I usually associate it with the computer being very slow to start up. Try shutting your computer all the way down, then wait a few seconds and power it back up. It usually fixes that problem for me. Your mileage may vary.
  • I feel so dumb, I've been standing right next to him queuing over and over for Red Winter.
  • To whom? ....................
  • I hit the same thing when I tried to name my character "Raven Wing"... Honestly I'm kind of glad it happened. (The Blazing) "Red Ribbon" turned out to be a far more entertaining character.
  • Even more expensive if you haven't unlocked every possible part from the C-Store. I am.
  • 1680x1050 :redface:
  • The costs in the CStore will also go up by the exact same rate, so while your stipend get you 25% more "points" after the changeover, and a dollar will get you 25% more points.. prices in the CStore will also go up 25%. At the end of the day, in terms of dollars spent, what a costume set or character slot costs you today,…
  • It seems that PW was "caught by surprise" with the STO forum transition, that players really felt attached to the avatars they'd had for years. From what I've heard, most other PW forums allow signatures, but don't allow custom avatars. So when STO was shoved into that model, well.. the players balked, and the admins did…
  • They're working on getting it installed in the User CP. This particular bit of clunkiness is temporary.
  • Animated gifs were originally enabled at STO, and then quickly disabled. It seems that it is an official decision NOT to allow them.
  • Well.. to be fair.. we DID get custom avatars. It seems like PW wants core to be their version of steam.. so adding more functionality there would seem to be in their interests. I would like to hear someone from Cryptic/PW tell us what's going to happen with the web "My Characters" tech.. is it being abandoned, or planned…
  • Well the "My Characters" thing over at STO had been broken since Cryptic was an Atari property. The CO one was really nice, and I liked it, but from what I hear, it wasn't working for everyone. I think that some posters might be on the right track, with just outsourcing that data to a third party site like a Wiki or Primus…
  • I think the intention, eventually, is that our characters will be integrated into the CORE Connect system. So we'll be able to access them there. However, I am not privy to any secret information. It's just that CORE does seem to have spaces for "my characters"
  • Yes please. Color and alignment BBCode would be very welcome.