That's right. Major changes: Atomic Bug(Will be mexican still/Eygpitian American mother) He'll be biracial. He will still be Kendrick Locket and have the same issues as the oter one, but you'll just have to imagine him being biracial.) Enforcers: A new Origin(Played out in 3 issues, a new series) Mike Peterson will return,…
Atomic Bug #0 is here. Everything you need to know and questions that you might need to be answered all in here. this issue concludes world war and volume one of infinite enforcers.The book is retitled. Future 32 is over, now there is new change, Ultimate Change. Here is the final issue. Enjoy! Had a great run with the toon. Thanks to all those who gave me advice, tips, and ideas. And a big thanks to all the Killer Spider fans.\O/
My Daredevil Inspiration. Here is the origin Born to Asian parents, and was up in the higher area of middle class. He liked to watch reality type TV shows. As a traveling parent his father took his son with him to Japan and learned many things there. Once they figured out his son was color blind they had something… I know you've all been waiting, but issue 10 is here. Now for the next issue, we wanna get ALOT in it. So leave a comment if you want to be a part cameo or fighting. The last issue could take a while due to Spider-Wars Returns which is starting…
Alrigth and if anyone can tell me how to save please inform me. Updates: Besides World War and Spider Wars returns 1 or 2 comics will be released a month so we can be more focus and do it like Marvel and DC. When I say 1 or 2 it mean for its series so you can have 1 but just one or 2 for that one.
Well I don't think we can do the full eveny due to some of my family members coming over, but when I do logI'll just take bits and chunks depending on the amount of time I have. This is a might though. I'm also glad you all enjoyed it. here is the epilogue to the rebirth of the human race in PRIME's image. PRIME has two more issues after until we get the real big bad, Necrull.