I would concur w/that, if all of the devices that have these sorts of ridiculous CDs weren't terrible choices to begin with. Backups aren't worth the slot they occupy, stomp either, there are much better options for the heal if you want to use a heal device. Like the Healing device plus.
This is meant to stop the people from using multiples of things like npg, and bypassing the CD. I messed w/it on PTS, and it's not terrible, as long as you make sure all of your devices that are cross-build stay in their slots.
I've been sitting on 16 million questionite for a long while. I keep it horded, because I know that since I only run r9 mods, that if I need to totally reconfigure a character, it's going to cost a 1/2 million questionite to pop all the mods out to replace w/the new ones. The TPB is pretty **** as it is too though. There's…
Why're you bothering w/these anyway? They're trash all around, zen/mission/lockbox. They take one aoe smack from anything be it a cosmic, or event boss, and they're gone for what? 5 minutes? They're useless. There's so many devices that're vastly superior to fill all of your slots that these things aren't even on the radar.
You sure do like to complain about everything, are you a CEDD? You sound like a CEDD. Anyway, why do you have so many characters? There's no way you can reliably gear/configure/mod more than a couple dozen at very best.
The issue is that the ATs are all gimped, or hamstringed in some critical fashion, baring maybe only the magical one being remotely 1/2 decent. The specs/SS choices are always wrong. They have 2 less powers, and that alone is terrible for fitting everything you need. Most of them also have the 'choice lvls' force you to…
All of the ATs are gimped, dogshit trash. They're just free trial mode. They give a terrible experience to play when you first start off - being completely gimped of pretty much everything. I would never even begin to recommend CO to someone that didn't get an FF slot to begin with. Even then, it's a nightmare trying to…
Anything that's not directly sourced from you will be resisted. Ruptures are the same way. Fire patches are the same. They aren't coming from you, and their invisible source has no def pen.
This TP is sorta dogshit, since you can't attack while you're using it. Sorta like the broom one, and the bat one. They look cool, but they suck in actual execution.
Don't waste your resources picking this gear up. It's effects against any form of CC are almost completely irrelevant. It's almost like their values have absolutely no impact on anything that CCs.
I use 3 confront 9s on my tank, and I've never had a threat problem. Sounds like you don't have a good setup for threat, or your mods aren't high enough lvl. Also, the heavy dps should be threat wiping if it's becoming a problem.
Hybrid on it's own is pretty dogshit for just about every role available. It does all things, but does no things good. The blocking bug usually only happens w/AORP, but perhaps it does happen w/AOPM as well, I've never seen it. If you're DPSing- choose a proper dps passive relating to whatever you're doing. And choose the…
I've been helping one of my buddies do this. And we're doing exactly that. It's still horrendously torturous, and god awfully slow. But, it creeps up, and when you finally get it, it feels like the unbearable horror is lifted from the bottom of your stomach when it's finally over. Just try not to think about 'how many more…
You'll have to do issue 1-2-3-4-5 in their entire. They stack off of each other towards credit for the event at the end. You can do a group, but the group needs to be together from issue 1.
Removing them would require a huge rework of the queue system - since it's all built on that foundation. There aren't enough people interested in the pvp to keep anything going. And there's nothing to earn from doing it at all, save for an AF that no one really cares about. The pvp ig is super unbalanced as it is.
It's great that we have the cutscene skip that makes Cutscenum so much more tolerable now, but can we get another vote button to shut that retard up on top of the tunnel? His voice is grating, and after hearing that nonsense 945758947 times, it's tired, and needs to be over.
How is this even a problem? These encounters are mostly effortless after a couple of times. It's easy enough to learn what's going on, and stay alive. Note that regen isn't a tanking passive really at all. You can get by with it, but you'll be much better off with soaks if you use that one, it doesn't provide the resist…
I'm still just so sour about this whole thing. It didn't make HW fun at all. It didn't resolve the rooting problems that get you killed. It didn't resolve the commit to spin on annie. Welcome to fun things that you can't evade until you're done spinning - (destroyer pee showers being the #1 issue.) The ult feels clunky,…
This is infuriating. The brimstone CD ruined the power, it's not a reliable AOE anymore. Arc cost too much to be a reliable AOE. Pyre doesn't really work for similar reasons, and now the char just feels broken. I didn't really play it much to begin with because HW was clunky. Now, it's just even worse. And likely to just…
The CD on brimstone makes this attack pointless. It's too long to make it a useful AOE to clear anything anymore. And there's nothing in the set to replace it with. You'll have to use pyre instead.
I don't care that he looks like that, that's fine, I do care that I can't click around him, and that he takes up the entire screen. So, I will say that I do want to be able to shut off super mag as part of the disable fx options.
I wish this thing was better, but I agree. It's not even worth using in it's current state. Combined w/the CD, it's just not even a remotely competent AOE attack. It's almost like a watered down meteor blaze. And everyone knows how much of joke that thing is.
Was that one of the ingredients for the fire immunity potion that never actually worked? It's probably a relic from when before it was reworked several years ago.