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  • Just a suggestion depending on how you want to play.... The build proposed by flowcyto should be good. That said, it is missing howl. Howl will allow you to apply fear which will be good for other darkness powers and it gives you furious which is helps you get melee crits and can heal you a bit. An alternative way to fear…
  • Between Defiance and Regen, either one can work. Defiance is better if you are concerned about taking one giant shot of damage that takes you from a full health bar to an empty health bar. Defiance gives you fantastic defense however if you are going to use it then you will need healing. Ideally a lot of healing. If you…
  • Sorry for the confusion. I did not expect you to follow the build literally. I thought you could review the thread and see what aspects of the build might work for you. Between ranged combat, a defensive passive and CON as your primary superstat you may wish to take crippling challenge if you play in a team. Also consider…
  • In my earlier response I was suggesting that you get rid of fireball and conflagration because they do not work with aspect of the infernal or supernatural power. I can see how that was misinterpreted to getting rid of supernatual power and aspect of the infernal. So far it looks like you really want fireball and…
  • MonsterDaddy, on your Ice Queen build you have Form of the Tempest and Enrage which is a little redundant. I guess that means you have a free power choice.
  • I have some feedback on your build: Pros: Fire form buffs both fire and infernal powers. Its a good choice. With Defile and Devour Essence you have two good single target powers. (I would drop the advantage on Defile and take rank 3 instead.) Cons: Conflagration and Fireball use a lot of energy. Even with Recovery as a…
  • Here is a link to a thread I recently updated. It shows a Pestilence based toon featuring a lot of defense. http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=2877331#post2877331
  • Here is an update on the build with a few explanations of the changes below: PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Wicked Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Constitution (Primary) Level 10: Ego (Secondary) Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: The Invincible Level 6: Negotiator Level 9: Quick Recovery…
  • Your build looks pretty solid... just like the other one you posted... A lot like the other one you posted. What exactly is the difference? You may find that Ego Surge takes too long to recharge to really take advantage of the specializations you have chosen to enhance critical strikes. If it were my build I would try to…
  • Hi Everyone, Here is my approach to MonsterDaddy's build concept. This build can be used for leveling. This build takes advantage of a very strong defensive combination: 1. High damage resistance from high defense 2. Regen for healing what gets through 3. Eye of the Storm for a protective shield Please have a look:…
  • 1) What should my super stats be? CON I know., the oher 2, hmmm. - Con works very well as a primary superstat but I would recommend END instead. END gives you a big pool of energy and the specialization Readiness gives reasonable equilibrium. Also END also has Hardened for extra hit points. I should add that you cannot…
  • Another options for a passive is Night Warrior. It is weaker than Quarry in this build but the ability to disappear and then fully charge an attack is very nice.
  • For invisible girl why not take Night Warrior. You do not have to use the attack it comes with. It provides a small dodge and avoidance bonus, it buffs your force damage (a bit) and... it makes you invisible. Also, if you do keep evasive maneuvers the "aggro wipe" advantage puts you in stealth when it works. I have a…
  • I am a little confused regarding your build: First, form of the Tempest scales with Dex so using it made sense prior to your retcon (ie when Dex was a SS) If you wish to keep the super stats you have then I recommend: 1. On your primary offense gear slot get something that boosts your crit chance. 2. Take Ego Surge with…
  • Regarding comparing using CON as the primary SS versus STR, I think that the difference in HP is not that great. Both builds are poring everything into CON. Both STR and CON have specializations that boost HP. Your point regarding bonuses to Dodge is very true however that gain in dodge (using CON instead of STR) would be…
  • The approach MD is describing relies on boosting defense and using Regen as a passive. When you add the right customizations (specifically Juggernaut for STR along with others that boost defense and offense) the result is a defensive value comparable to the defense offered by Defiance before the customizations were…
  • Great builds MonsterD. I have a few regen toons myself. I think it makes sense to add a healing skill to it because even with good defense/dodge a little extra healing is very useful. One of the best is devour essence imho. Life Drain is great too provided you can power it. Regen is very nice but, like any passive, it must…
  • I have a very similar build however I took CON instead of INT. If you play Serpent Lantern then you might want a range power. In my build I have TK Lance. Ebon ruin is a great choice too because it can debuff targets to ego damage. In my build I also use mental disipline instead of form of the tempest so I do get a bit…
  • This build is a bit like your first however it allows you to combine defense and healing when using Regen. Using gear with a bonus to healing would allow decent healing while, regen, sigils and the circle keep your health strong. Also you will be much tougher than most support builds. The last power pick is very much…
  • Your build could take advantage of a point blank area effect power. I would look at Telekinesis or Telepathy in your case because they are buffed by Shadow Form. Telekinetic Eruption (with advantage) gives a nice defensive bonus and might look really cool on a darkness toon. I would only do this if your REC is high enough…
  • My understanding is that there is a bonus on melee of 20% for a STR of 70. That bonus rises linearly from 0 (meaning that you would get 10% for STR of 35) Once you go past 70 the bonus rises at one quarter the same rate. Thus going from 80 to 135 (ie 80+55) would give you a benefit of: STR 80: 20.71% STR 135: 24.64% That…
  • I tried Beldin's suggestion using a defensive passive and Epidemic... Works very nicely and damage is fantastic. I also worked dragon's claws into it, boosted STR to 70. It is a very different build to play but it is quite impressive. The Wicked build relies on stunning enemies with thunderclap and venom breath. The…
  • Thanks for your interest in the build. The original build was designed to take advantage of the fact that there are some great infernal powers out there that do not require a lot of energy to use. This allowed me to stack Str Con and Int in a ranged DPS build. As you point out the build is now out of date. The main change…