Marvel Heroes is a fun game. Wholly different from CO. It's comparing apples to sea shells. That said, it's a lot of fun and does enough (IMO) to make it more than just another Diablo clone.
I'll try this again since I got missed the first time around... CO [*]@mystagogue, @mystagogue, @mystagogue, @mystagogue. CoX [*]@Mystagogue, @mystagogue, @mystagogue, @mystagogue ("Champion"/CoX).
Perfect time to kick off a Referral promotion, discount on Lifetime subs, run some ads, hire some newly out of work developers... You know, strike while the iron is hot and there are potential customers that can be had for minimal effort. Holds breath... Waits... Turns blue... Passes out...
@mystagogue - one handle's all I've ever had for both games (Champion server CoX). Granted, I formally left CoX after ED, although I did head back every now and again.
I'd speculate it's because PWE would rather you spend more $ in the Z store to buy one or more become device(s) than to spend a one time amount to increase your max global amount.
Public Service Announcement - Kids, this is why math IS important. So for all those times you whined and protested "but when am I ever going to use this in real life" - here you go. :wink:
There will likely be no level cap increase, no new zones, no foundry, no revamp of the nemesis system, no graphic upgrades that may or may not be needed, no addressing of too many to count bugs, etc... What you see is what you get, pretty much from here on out. Grab the low hanging fruit, pump out "Alert" level content and…
I'm more than happy with the graphics in general. As others have mentioned some fine tuning may be needed here and there, otherwise it's fine. As far as cut scenes go, I'm actually more of a fan of the storyboard style/non animated cut scenes. I understand that many of them are necessary (to set up NPC positions and…