I know this is an old post, however I am now having some issues with my color changing powers. I'm lifetime and my fairie's powers were working this morning and now they aren't. What could be the potential problem? Give me some things to check please because I can't think of anything else to check.
That's kind of messed up it seems to me. I had it before they messed with things before so the points should have automatically been reset too when they reset Aspect. But have nothing for advantage nor ranks.
Nevermind. Thank you for responding. After he has fought with it for a long time, we managed to get one of my friends to come in and fix it and explain things to us.
The launcher took a long time for me to load up but I am in the game now. I am in club caprice and it looks like I am getting smoothness so far. Will keep you posted.
I'm getting black screen on my launcher with the loading please wait running for a long time. This is annoying in that we just got our internet back and haven't even been back on an hour. Grr.