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magnumstar Arc User



  • Real life villains get away with committing crimes everyday so I see no problem with villains winning these engagements in game. But I do see your point about robbing banks and not getting any richer. My recommendation for that is instead of money the villain can gain resources he can spend on hiring goons or…
  • Not all Fleets are groups of friends. And that's another issue with the Fleet system. Fleet members are constantly recruiting because the more members they have equates to more resources they can get. So most invites to Fleets are no longer about if someone thinks you're cool, friendly, good player, etc. It's all about the…
  • I say bring on the villains! My main in CoX was a villain and I spent most of my time on the red side. For every person who wants to be Batman there's one who thinks the Joker is cool and wants to be him. And I see just as many Joker ripoffs in game as I do of the Dark Knight. Lets face it folks this game is struggling and…
  • I knew the IP's for STO and NW were owned by others and Cryptic was leasing them. But neither company that owns those IP's are spending (bankrolling) any money on Cryptic's titles, its the other way around Cryptic has to pay them to use the IP. And I get that since they do have to pay they are going spend the money to make…
  • Last I knew Cryptic owned all 3 titles. There is a division in departments with each title having its own development team and I assume a division in finances as well but all 3 (CO, STO, NWNO) are all owned by Cryptic.