Hi, These threads might be useful?: http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=2946101#post2946101 http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=136125 Sorry I can't help more atm..
As stated above, there's an item available in the Z Store Called Summon Team 4 or 10 pack which: "Instantly transports your entire team to your location. Has ten charges."
So the Hover Disc TP is slower than the device is it? typical.. I was thinking of getting it. Shame! I'd buy a hoverdisc device if it was just like the ones available in the Harbinger alert.. I really like zipping around on it. I even used it for a while around ren cen before it timed out.
Yeah, it's pretty good! Not an amazing/epic/grand event, but a pretty good mish. However, if you have a rubbish team, it really seems to drag on for ages, but I guess that's the same for most missions/alerts. Sound is not good through decent headphones: The harbinger's 'roars' loop and overlap. It really could do with an…
XPAD is great for CO. I'm not sure what "ZERP" means, but for person functionality: To target enemies, just hit RB (shoulder button) To toggles target friendly/enemies, hold RT then press RB.. You can also use your devices tray by holding right d-pad button, and then from right to left in the tray, the buttons X Y B A & RB…
That's great, I'd love to see it.. :cool: I think the good thing about the desert is that I think most of the nodes are skill <101, so useful for those who want to increase their skill quickly.
That would explain a lot... when I gained FF slots on the first bags I opened, it was just after the event started.. so that makes perfect sense.. It's a pretty clever marketing trick as you say, I immediately began telling others how great getting a FF slot was (genuinely pleased, not trying to make others feel bad)…
I think the way the scammer is working is by saying the trade window keeps closing (but he is doing it really) he then gets you to hit accept before adding any payment and then dashes off to other instance. If you notice any weird tricky behaviour like closing the trade window etc. then don't expect a fair deal, it's…
From my experience I'd say 1 in 20 is about right. Last time, my first bag gave ff slot, then got second within another 19 or so bags. Yesterday I bought 5, and got one ff (Funnily enough the first bag again) But why do people gets Sooo uptight about it, and jealous if you get one? Someone actually threatened to report…
Yes of course, the auction house is a pretty good way to buy and sell items. But for silver's, it is limited to trading items <250g. So then silver's are forced to buy and sell with a flawed trading system. Maybe a small safety net is to trade where there are no other instances to switch to, such as the PH or such. Though,…
Some guy has been scamming people out of resources and devices today.. He has somehow been switching instances before the deal closes which somehow means he gets to keep the items or money without paying! Saw it happen right before my eyes even though I warned the person who was trading with him.. Shame, really. Even…
I gave up on the Lemuria crisis first time round, and have never attempted to complete it again, it was infuriating.. However, I love Lemuria proper! I think it looks amazing! I really like whizzing about in the water..
[QUOTE=fr0gurt;2171991 [/LIST] [*]Increase the wallet size of Silver account players so that they can use the auction house for more expensive items. [/LIST][/QUOTE] +1 this.. 250 limit is a bit unreasonable IMO. 700g would be workable, 1000g would be ideal. What is the chance of this ever happening? Do the developers ever…
PLEASE Can we have Auction House Access.. :redface: It would make the hideouts uber functional and I know more people would want one.. What kind of super hero doesn't have access to eBay* in his house/hideout?!?! :biggrin: * Other auctions are available :biggrin::biggrin:
Yep, I had same problem.. they said names had been reserved, but when I went to link PWE account, I had to create a new username and display name. I emailed support and got a reply saying create a new account name for pwe then link to cryptic account.
I also used the friends lists frequently, I could quickly check from my phone if necessary who was online and join them.. Really annoying not being able to check that out at all now without logging on..