Nice! This actually works! :D A quick note. I'm using the MMO scheme, but it didn't have a "fCamHeight" line in that section. However, I just copied the line from the Shooter scheme, pasted it into the MMO scheme, and adjusted the value. After loading the new UI settings, the camera did take an extra moment or so to…
Yeah, the mouse can change the angle, but I'm wondering if there's a way to adjust the vertical position of the camera. For instance, the camera's position is set to the center of the torso for taller characters. I'd like to raise that to the character's head instead. The "CamOffset" command does exactly this, but only…
Pretty much. For myself at least, being able to preserve an existing character's progress, equipment, character specific unlocks, and whatnot can be more beneficial than starting over from scratch just to remake the exact same character with a modified skillset. Assuming it truly is 100% impossible to adjust the…
A subscription allows a player to change an Archetype character into a Freeform without deleting and remaking the character. If desired, a player can also change their Freeform characters into Archetypes. The means to changing a character's Archetype/Freeform status, as well as the character's slot type, already exists.…