I have two questions: 1.-Why use Enrage over Aspect of the Bestial? 2.-What power can I exchange to be able to use Command Animals (is just for theme so if is not worthy then is going to be fine)
yeah is fine I don't wanted to use too much KB because the problems that can make in group content. I make this build if someone can give some advice I apreciate it. Melee STR Any / Multiple v3.32:32 Super Stats Level 6: Strength (Primary) Level 10: Recovery (Secondary) Level 15: Constitution (Secondary) Talents Level 1:…
thanks and about howl not a problem at all!!! , I just imagine the hero screaming something to the bad guys before unleashing a storm of bullets and explosions.
Considering the post about the content I like to play with the character , the idea is to use it in endgame and solo play. so what I nned to change to the build to be viable for that kind of situations.
anyone i only was asking because before of the power changes a old friend used it for tanking but he always started with shred for bleed stacking and he used energy shield with laser knight for the extra defense. But if their other options they are better now. I am open for any suggestions.
Flow a little question with the build you posted, bullet beatdown get their attack boost from Ego right? even if i get the break the trigger advantage.
Just curious, but is possible to make melee dodge buld, using bullet beatdown like the close range attack and lead tempest like the AoE attack after all the two attack anmations really give you the feel of dodging all the enemy attacks while you hit with the guns the one close to you and shoot everyone thats away from…
I don't care if si thematic or not , if can tank a cosmic si fine with me. Also you can edit the build and write what have no updated yet in the powerhouse
So in other words is better to use only heavy weapons powers and use fire shield and absorb heat like help right?. If that is correct how gonna look a build like that. In another note how good is energy shield plus laser knight to a dps?
Sorry for no make me myself clear, that fire powers I mentioned are only examples. The primary idea about the fire powers is use it like a extra layer of damage and support. thats all
I dont like the nightwarrior skill, how i can modify the build to the nightwarrior dont be necesary. Edit: And out of curiosity how look a power armor survival dps build.
the second option looks better for my style of play, because with the first option the weapon looks a little useless for me, becuase if the enemie stay close i only have to burn it to death.