That's a main problem I always encounter during the leveling stage is just energy issues. Only way to solve that is to get a SS that revolves around either End or Rec; even if its mandatory to have another SS over the one you're using! But yes, I believe your stats will be fine at a higher level honestly. With enough Ego,…
Only main problem I have are the mobs stun/knock spamming me. No matter how much ego or strength I have, they just seem to overpower me with their abilities. Goodness, I was playing as an offensive healer, and I could barely move without being launched off a building or held every 5 seconds. Some of the mobs, like stated…
Cosmic content is pretty fun, challenging, and is quite rewarding once you finally win. But honestly, I just feel sorry for the people who literally have to farm to get moderately good gear. I mean, you can do the cosmics with just heroic gear, but now it takes a lot longer to get just one piece and join in on the fun.
If anything, I could have recorded me killing you as my healer. Remember the Shadowform/Evasive Maneuvers/Telio Dinos Build? You were sure quick to change it to that -sentinel- tank build after that defeat. Since then, you've been proclaiming to be a God of PvP because of a few -glorious- wins. Though, it is kind of funny…
Yeah. I restarted my Steam, changed networks, etc. Still no fix. I believe its just the servers since I've been alerted that its happening to the other games too.
Fortunately, I just leveled up my sniper character through the Double XP Week and used it for the Destroid Event, BUT I can't tell you how many times I got nothing but a small percentage of globals and green gear! They could at least increased the G-Cap of the event to 30. I mean, 3G is just pitiful for taking down level…
This is somewhat similar to the Dodge Nerf. I remember specifically when technically, everyone could literally tank and survive with 60-70% Dodge and Avoidance. The only healing powers you needed were Conviction and Bountiful Chi Resurgence. Once they nerfed that, people then went onto figuring out new things. And look at…
I still hope I get a free retcon after the initial nerf :o Though, I'm unsure because nothing is truly free. A few of my builds kind of relied on CDR, but I suppose after careful planning, I'll have them back up in top shape c:
This idea isn't half bad. I like it. We have everything BUT spear/staff powers. I mean, think about it. We've got heavy weapons, elemental powers, supernatural powers, and set of martial arts, but none of this! +1