Yeah, he was just standing there like he was AFK, and I was like, "How can this guy go AFK HERE?!?!" lol I'm guessing the combination of Force Sheathe and Unstoppable can help with getting enough blue to throw Cascade? I've tried to put FC on toons before, and I never could get it to work right. It was sort of like....…
You have given me much to think about once again, my friend. I'm not so sure about dropping PFF for Unstoppable though. To a certain degree, I like to just experiment, but to not avail myself of all your guys' advice I think would be foolish. After all, Lao Tzu said... "A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent…
Bluhman, thanks for your reply! I know some players have a problem with other players who blast enemies all over the room, so they have to chase them down. Me, I've always thought it is hilarious to blast them all over the place lol. The theme we kinda have in mind is destruction and chaos, stuff flying everywhere. I…
Well, all villains must always have a get-a-way plan at all times, so... maybe Smoke Bomb and Night Warrior so he can bail, leaving the heroes shouting "Curses! You got lucky this time, Dr. Doom, but next time! NEXT TIIIIMEE!!"
Pantagruel, by Unarmed do you refer to The Fist, or The Master? And, Bluhman, thanks for the advice, we're toying with the HeroCreator for a mostly PA build. Nothing definite, just seeing what might be a good toon. :) Thanks so much guys. (And yeah, I've always been a fan of earth power set, even if some people don't like…
So, I can't get the calico cat now? Not that I'm really complaining... Me and Popcorn have already been on many adventures lol. He can't attack, but he lends moral support!
Ooooh!! =) I think I might give that one a try! Thanks Flow! I have no experience with Antagonize as a Block Enhancer. How do you think it compares to Force Shield + Adv, or Ebon Void +Adv?
Thanks for the reply Flow! =) I got the idea from watching a Youtube video posted by a player whose toon is named The Black Knight (A big strange looking green guy with a tail. He doesn't specify his exact build, but from watching the video I think I have most of it figured out. His Youtube name is 2ndvenus. He also used a…
Thanks everyone! I will give it a try Flow! I've been thinking about making another Tankery - Melee - Super Strength type toon lately. Maybe even recreate Bolt Cutter, my old WP / EM tanker lol. (that's her pic in my avatar, just off the ferry to St. Martial island, wanted to grab a screenie of her)
the description on Smoke Bomb from the Martial Arts pool says it has a 150 ft sphere radius... here, I'll just copy + paste from the Steam Community Guide: "Smoke Bomb Threat Wipe Throws down a smoke bomb, which instantly places you into stealth and wipes your threat. On teams, this becomes very useful, as its threat-wipe…
After binge-watching Hercules / Xena for the past couple of weeks, I did a lot of research into the mythological history of such figures as Athena, and many others. Yes, Spears, polearms, halberds, poleaxes, quarterstaves, (I mean, just think of how much a$$ Gabrielle kicked, and she didn't even have super powers. She was…
Oh and by the way, I *did* say she has three costumes... the third is for her "street clothes" lol
Thanks for the input guys... after running several missions, I find myself "not doubting" the character in the upgraded Rerun outfit lol, it just feels more natural.
Ok, thanks a ton Raighn! You saves me form making a bad choice! Well, maybe not "bad", but, you know certainly mediocre. Okay, yeah, horrible. It would have been horrible lol.
Thanks for the quick reply Flow! ^_^ So, how about this.... would this maybe be better? Still open to ideas and suggestions :) PowerHouse Link to this build:…
Thank you so much for all the advice Flow, but the longer a try this toon out, the more I start to see this toon wants to be a Night Warrior with a ninja-type theme, with as much ranged powers as possible. Shuriken, boomerangs from Gadgeteer, etc, and a mix of Unarmed martial arts skills. I'm sure you know what it's like…
I have just one more question (for now lol) Flow, I read a description of Enrage, and I might as well C+P it here.... "Enrage provides a powerful boost to your power based off of your strength score. That's the good part; high strength characters do massive melee damage using this toggle, even without critical hits. The…
Hi there Flow. By gearing for END, you mean to make better use of the energy you get from getting hit while using Defiance, right? Because honestly that's something I never would have thought of