Im a PvE'er -.- ...sigh right, i think im about done on CO with the poison this community injects this games as good as gone, especially after the hiring of random people from the streets of seattle. Its done.
I have a min-maxed dedicated character to being a lazer knight build. The DPS is amongst some of the lowest in the game. I was forced to make him a Crippling Challenge + Challenging Strikes threat tank because thats the only real use it has because the damage is too low. Getting 5 stacks of Plasma burn is too hard and rare…
Do you remember that part where me and a cryptic employee had a nice conversation about powers...or anything? I sure as heck dont. I would have liked to be co-operative, and i still have my paw extended (god knows why i do...i must be a loony still here...still trying to get things done) Nobody has come out to shake hands…
Failures are on the increase because noble freeforms arent soloing it for them anymore. Black Knight is a freeloading archetype using only martial arts powerbuilder rank 3. King Arthur watches his potential teammate be defeated over at over again...flabbergasted are how terrible this player is. ^ King Arthur then leaves…
Because Lazer Knight was designed in mind for Lazer Sword, it makes sense. Its makes less sense to me that the Ranged Version of lazer knight has no damage reduction aspect, yet it weakens melee powers. Surely thats the wrong way around?
This means that having that adv doesn't lower the damage of lazer swords, right? Correct, Lazer Sword powers would specifically retain their normal output. Don't change the cooldown, just make it so the removed from combat only works once every 60 seconds. That kind of Full-Health from running away BS, has to come to an…
Let me say this, and say it very confidently to you :) I DO have the knowledge and skills to single-handedly fix the game. I have not attempted, i HAVE extorted Cryptic into fixing exploits in the past, by releasing powerful video's forcing them to fix them because they were doing nothing about it no matter what you said…
Iv waited since launch, as have many. Waited too long. Oh yeah: You have been silenced. You may chat again in 23 hours, 41 minutes, and 52 seconds. And i dont even chat in game!
Im saying most of the biggest problems in the game, that i doubt many other people can find, are known to the most experienced players. THE MOST EXPERIENCED people on this game, 1 of THEM should be hired to make balance changes. Im not saying me, but i would. Theres many people i know here, quite a few of you too on this…
Nah i had to get this out, im a little disappointed they wont stop ignoring everyone. They fully deserve my steam, time and time again their choice, is a half-**** one. I have the right to vent just like Xbox One deserves its full scrutiny. Oh yes, State of The Game In an Alternate Dimension, i think deserves a part 2!
"Dont juggle power which nobody should have, as the only result can be destruction." ~ Snake Wildlife "It is power that cannot protect anything" ~Asura The Destructor . Remove Chat Ban powers from the system altogether, if someone is spamming or whatever, we can already ignore them, that is enough. CO does not suffer from…
So who wants to make a chat ban mafia on CO? Anyone? Ya gotta 'FORCE THEM TO DO THEIR JOBS TM' Its been proven over and over again. Having a word with them is simply not an option anymore.
Typical cryptic....ya gotta FORCE THEM TO DO THEIR JOBS, because they wont do it by request or high demand. ^ You can quote that as many times as you want. Im proud of the people for doing what i woulda done had i been effected by it enough. You gotta go All-In with a pokerface, else you wont get anything. PS: They wont…
Played many like jenny, but i have been a hardcore Diablo 2 player since launch. Besides CO, im on Diablo 2, Minecraft/Terraria and Second Life. (*pokes everyone* Terraria news: Official Content Boost announced! Theyre working on it again!)
I didnt call them exploiters....and this is a debate, not me giving the Absolute Only Way. Why do you have to bring that attitude over with you, leave it at home. You got something better, SAY IT and stop hating on people for having their own opinion.
Ah yes! Totally forgot about that, yes, it should be buffed by Quarry and Targetting Computer MORE than any other passives in the game. (you can tell i never use that :P because no dodge bonus purely) Kinetic Manipulation is questionable... Edit: then again you are quite a squishy toon with kinetic manipulation, so yeah,…
Mhmm i see what you mean on strafing run...perhaps it could benefit from being only buffed from Technology tree benefits. I dunno. Or just lower the damage even more? Whats other peoples opinion on Strafing Run? Imagine self heals arent Instant-Full-Health when you think about this haha :P
I agree with the Root Remove. Yeah unfortunately the rocket itself takes around 0.4 seconds to appear after the fire...its stupid, then after that the rocket itself is a very slow projectile as compared to others in the too much opportunity to block and whatever. Check it out on test, and measure the time it…
Im happy with damage vs damage. but problem i see is mobility, snares/holds/roots are too easily broken and ignored by Ascension and other bypasses...melee would stand more of a chance if the ability to prevent people simply running off at rediculous speeds was SOLID.
Well obviously this is just a small forum post, i could go through every power but it would have been a full day just writing it all up. There's obviously LOTS more to think about changing. And i agree with a lot of the previous suggestions. Wether some of these powers are changed <this way or that way> they just need to…
The only things they fixed was what THEY ALREADY KNEW for themselves. Everything else, to do with balance, bugs, lv30 level forcing and enemies falling off map still went live, and many runs of it even now, are BROKEN RUNS leaving people in purgatory. They could have at least said their part on why they did/didnt do…
There was lots of feedback from people on test, and 100% of it was completely ignored. They fixed a couple of small bugs with sound and text and a small time increase on the Duratok & Ironclad round, but all the real changes that NEEDED to be put in to make it enjoyable for the rest of the 99% of the people in this game,…
Only portion of support or anything active here, is if you are dealing with Billing support. Why? Because... MMMMMHHH MONEYYYY Or if nothing happens whilst game-breaking exploits happen....i (or you!) release a video forcing them to act out of emergency, which…
Coming on to say the new powers are weak. 5 times weaker than i had anticipated. If anyone tried to take any of these powers into PvP the only thing thats going to happen is this: 1 damage 1 damage 1 damage 1 damage 1 damage 1 damage 1 damage Master of The Mind: Get rid of it...turning Powers themselves into Become Devices…
Yeah, i mean dont get me wrong. I know my PvP, but i dont go in. I want to, again but the current conditions of PvP are completely dishonourable :/ no fun. Theres no honour in killing an AT with a FF using a NeuroElectric Pulse Generator whilst God-Mode on x5 Eruptions.
Yeah, CO's Self-healing is just out the window too much at this point. Real healers should be a real option. The Gas Arrow from Devanna Hawk is exactly the Gas Arrow we should have :( because the idea is you get CAUGHT in it, not just be able to jump out of it in milliseconds.
They'de never tell you WHEN they will shut it down, they could change their minds any day on something like that. But yes, until Tumorboy comes back, it's dead jim.
All 3 are crap and so full of bugs they break the games, you sir (OP) are brainwashed and dellusional...not the first iv ran into. Bet youre buying an Xbox One too right? All of Cryptics 3 games have never left beta.
If you need some old veteren hardcore dark-truths about this game im happy to fill you in on major historic mistakes and aftereffects still effecting the game, i got most of the info and am happy to answer questions or fill you in on anything. Just gimme a message if interested, i use skype mostly.