Well, actually, one of my toons is all Gambler's Gems and she's fine. I think it's mostly in specialisations where I let a couple of toons down. I'll just go redo them and they should be fine. The drop in crits is about a 10% drop in DPS if everything else stays the same. So it's possible to get close back to previous…
I'm not 100%, but I think if your toon has been stacking Offense, you should get a buff. I've got one where I didn't go as crazy with it, and has suffered a drop. Time to redo the specialisations.
Um. Orbital Cannon takes 4.5s to target. There is a 2.33s charge time, followed by the 0.67s power activation time. At the end of that, the power is activated, but won't do damage till another 4.5s later.
That's not quite how the probability works. If percent chance of VTOL dropping is 0.25%, that means you have a 99.75% chance of it not dropping. So if you open two together, you get a 99.75%^2 chance of it not dropping at all. 400 boxes means 99.75%^400 chance of it not dropping at all, which conversely gives you 63%…
It's a sad day. I wish it could be saved, but alas, it was not to be. My heart goes out to all the CoX players, who will be losing their characters. As someone who tends to have much attachment to their characters, I can't imagine how it must feel.
Ugh, yea. This is a really stupid feature. I loved the ignore feature here, until I found out that it can cause people to be banned from chat. Why Cryptic would do such a thing is beyond me.
Been at this for a long time. Astraea does look so much better, but it's not been done despite numerous please over time. Still, let's give it a go again. /signed!
This is an awesome thread. Sadly, I don't have much to add right now. I really liked that post on anti-heroes. The comment on "invincible do-it-alls" strikes a chord with me too. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be so with the majority of RPers. I've had to increase the power level on a couple of my characters because of…
Is Protector Mastery the one that resets cooldowns on Active Defenses? If so, drop Imbue and pick another one up. Having the ability to play around with two like that is pretty crazy. :P
I'm quite impressed by the breakdown of specifications in the link. Still, there's precious little on the power supply, and it states 250W. So is it 400W or 250W? Though at $80, I think most GPUs in that price range are quite easy on the power.
Yes, please ask them. I basically replied to them again saying that this display name is definitely not taken, and they eventually followed up on it. Like I said, takes a bit of time.
Guys, I believe there was a glitch - I contacted tech support and they've managed to make it work for me (hence my delay in replying). It did take a week or two though. The best way to find out if your display name has been taken is to go search for it on CORE, the PWE social network thingy.