i feel like this is a pretty solid idea. there's been a rising trend of the straps on boots having a different color channel (like as mentioned the goth boots) and i believe these would definitely benefit from the change!
i accidentally left a big ol post about this dangling in the suggestions box instead of here, but:SPLIT-COLORED HAIR! which i'm surprised co hasn't touched yet with the upcoming radical hairs. examples under the cut: additionally, each side would have two color channels to allow for two base colors with their own separate…
Bug Tailor The "Radical Rockabilly" hair (at least on female models, have not tested on male model yet) morphs with the Ears and Ear Points sliders. I know some hairs have done this in the past regardless so it's not a new bug by any means, but could it be fixed?
i dig everything on the set so far though i second this. additionally, as a suggestion for potential additions, maybe a pattern for tights that's horozontal stripes? to emulate striped stockings that go up to the waist? maybe even those fuzzy 2007-esque oversized legwarmers (second foot accessory? or a shoe option?) and…