OK, I'm going to try a blend of the your build and Taco's. Sticking with the Pestilence route rather than Quarry (and imagining the dark-blue painted toxic damage as just some kind of dark magic stuff), but going the EGO pss route of your build and adding Mind Link (which I LOVE thematically). I'm losing out on the extra…
Great, thanks for that. I'm really enjoying catching up to your posts here, your knowledge seems really solid and you explain it really clearly - reminds me of the old Pulsewave stuff :)
Billiant, that's great food for thought, thanks! Actually, coincidentally, while I'm camped in the Powerhouse trying things out, I was looking at Taco's "Atomic Angel" build elsewhere on here, the Strength pss version, and I had an inkling that would be the right area, so I was trying that out, basically just substituting…
The odd thing about CO is that it's the only modern MMO I feel is actually worth subscribing to; however, I only do that every now and then. Haven't played since 2013 and now I'm back in and loving it as much as ever. Yeah, it could have been better. And I would have preferred a more "serious" take, with more "realistic"…
I don't think there's any problem with the popularity of superheros, it's more with the quality of superhero MMOs. CoH was absolutely massive for about a year, it had a huge population. It lost its major population from the double whammy of WoW and ED. CO itself had a huge uptake for the first few months. So it's not that…
I'm sort of inbetween, partly an altoholic, partly someone who likes to stick to a "main" for a while. I have a page and a half of toons, with several 40s and a sprinkling of other various levels, a varied mix of powersets. (As an aside: to me, this game's primary virtue is the ability to create a cornucopia of characters…