Okay, so I know I haven't been the most active in-game or on the forums lately. However, I've still been busy, reading quite a bit of Marvel comics that is. SO, I really want to start up roleplaying in this game again, and this might be a good way of doing so. I personally think CORP should hear of this, working it into…
I returned home early in the morning from a whole night of fending off Mega-Destroids. I managed to recover a head of one of the monstrosities, as I understand that the main AI hub as well as one of its powerful laser weapons can both be found there. I must say, after a couple of hours of reverse-engineering, I understand…
There was an awesome dev post from Brad Stokan (Previous Lead Art Designer, now EP) with some really cool Heavy Weapons skins that I still hope will be released, amongst which a guitar axe, a steampunk hammer and a steel pole ripped from the ground could be found. If we're lucky, and that set comes out, maybe a wrench will…
This is how I feel. I still don't have all the costume bits from most of the Custom Alerts, so getting as much time as possible to farm is always nice.
It can be anything between a split second and the entire Alert, depending on the player's reaction time and how well they can target him. If you can retarget him in a split second, great! You're good enough to counter his tactic! Just because you can counter it doesn't mean that everyone can, and that it's no challenge.
It is obvious that nothing added nowadays has any thought given to the Xbox gamepads. None of the things added since On Alert! (Probably before that) have even been compatible with it. But is it a targetting area kind of power? How does that work in 3 dimensions?
You're basing your argument off of knowing what NPC's are or are not supposed to be able to do. I still don't know why you would assume such a thing. Powers share effects and animations all the time, that doesn't mean they're identical. That's like saying that Freon's Ice Storm is bugged. Once again, players can summon…
But how is that a "real" challenge? That would put a timer on how long it takes before he will take damage again, making it less skill/reaction related and more of another pure numbers game.
I'm not sure how anyone other than the System Design team can say with any certainty what a power is or is not supposed to do. I always assumed that the target drop was part of Rakshasa's Mind Worm summon. It only makes sense - Placate is in the Telepathy set, and summoning a horde and then dissapearing is a viable…
Not sure what is up with Thick As Thieves but The Investigate the sewers objective doesn't complete. I also tried clearing all of the mobs in the sewers, that did not help.
They said it would be hard because they would have to go through all the instances to see which ones should have that option disabled because they needed you to stay in there even after the mission is complete for one reason or the other. They decided to skip that and enable it in all missions. The problem with emanations…
It looks amazing, and I am certainly going to use it for several of my characters. It's an instant buy once one of the characters I am going to use it on get to a level where they get a new Travel Power.
Lair Queues has been on PTS, had to be taken down because difficulty scaling didn't work with it. Won't expect it to make its way into the game until that's fixed. EDIT: Or, well, maybe now that difficulty matters little overall.
Not sure if it is related, but have you accounted for the fact that the setactivecostume bind starts counting costumes at 0? So 0 in the bind refers to costume number 1, 1 refers to costume number 2, etc. That's the only explanation I can think of, though I'm not overly experienced with binds.
I would have preferred to have left my old name behind and start being known as this one, but since I am still known as Poochie in-game I still have to keep it in my sig. Oh well. EDIT: Quick Reply doesn't work. What a surprise.