chalupaoffury replied to my in-game e-mail. In case anyone else is wondering which Vigilante gear he has on The Atomic Angel, he told me that he has the Impacting Belt (but the Crit belt would be just as good), Armored Bracers and the Efficient Eyepiece. Thanks to everybody for their help! It is greatly appreciated. :)
I currently have the following secondary gear: Offense: Armadillo's Ring (+4.7 Defense, +12 Offense, +36 to Secondary SuperStat) Defense: Armadillo's Boots: (+7.1 Defense, +36 to Secondary SuperStat) Utility: Armadillo's Glasses: (+4.7 Defense, +36 to Secondary SuperStat) Set Bonus: +25% Damage Resistance Should I just…
Well, I finally have 450,000 Questionite and am ready to buy the Vigilante secondary gear. Does anybody know which Vigilante gear does chalupaoffury have on The Atomic Angel? I've sent him a PM on this forum, and have even sent him an in-game e-mail but have not gotten a response. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I just soloed Demonflame on Elite! I got dc'ed at the very end of the fight with Luther Black. The dc actually happened during the cutscene. Luckily, I got credit for finishing it. :biggrin:
You didn't give me bad advice at all. You've seen the mission bug for others so it's only natural to think that's what happened to me. Also ran Search and Destroyer to finish the Lore Perks. No worries, and thanks again! :biggrin:
OK. I am officially an idiot! :mad: I ran through 'Disassembly Line' again. (This time on Elite). Believe it or not, the mission didn't bug the first time. I didn't shut down the stampers! Seriously! I must have run past that console a couple of dozen times the first time I ran this mission looking for what I missed. I…
I tried Resistance, did pretty well, though I haven't gotten to Shadow Destroyer (yet). In the part of Mayhem where you hack the billboards, what exactly am I supposed to do? I just keep interacting with the various computers until the cutscene appears. What specifically am I supposed to do? Have 'RESIST!' on all of the…
Here's the latest on Patient Zero now that she's got all of the (non-Vigilante) gear. STR 191 DEX 72 CON 211 INT 260 EGO 10 PRE 10 REC 10 END 10 Offense 234 Critical Chance 24.1% Critical Severity 97.8% Defense 183.1 Dodge Chance 24.6% Avoidance 47.2% Gear Primary Offense: Legion's Gloves of Piercing 1 DEX Enhancement 7…
I just tried 'Search and Destroyer', and this time, I accepted Foxbat's mish. I 'followed the conveyer belt' in to the next section of the Factory. Foxbat appeared right beside me . . . and didn't move again. I completely cleared the next room, and he's still standing there on the conveyer belt. Is there any chance that…
Great. :mad: Will do. Now that I've done a run-through on it, it'll be even easier next time. Maybe I'll go Elite next time. :cool: I didn't accept Foxbat's mish. He's such a pain in the . . . neck (yeah, that's it), and you have to keep him alive during his mission. Next time, I'll bring him with me. You know, that's one…
Out of curiosity. chalupaoffury, which Vigilante Gear do you have so I know which ones to purchase after Q-farming my brains out? Oh, and I just soloed Doc Destroyer's Robot Factory mish Disassembly Line (Normal Diff). Well, I should have completed it, but I have shut everything down, and defeated all enemies. But the…
OK. So I retconned Patient Zero to the newest build (from a couple of posts back). I just soloed Whiteout (on Elite), but I was face-planting all over the place. Chalupaoffury, what is your attack sequence? I hit (in order): Masterful Dodge, Ego Surge, Conviction, Sonic Device, a fully-charged Defile, and then Pestilence.…
WOOT! I just soloed Teleios' Tower on Normal Difficulty. I got all of the Lore and everything! :biggrin: (Except for Vanquishing Buster. I beat on him for 15 minutes. He still didn't wake up) What I learned: When in the Lobe Rooms on the 3rd Floor, STAY OUT OF THE WATER! :eek: The Perfection of Bodys hit H-A-R-D! Also, the…
You know, I think that I'm getting the hang of this build. I've been running right through those UNITY missions like a hot knife through butter. I thought that the game glitched and reset the difficulty setting back to Normal. It didn't. It's still set to Elite. Maybe I'm ready to tackle the Lairs. I just gotta remember to…
I think that I got it figured out. I figured 'what the heck', and turned the Difficulty up to Elite. I then did a full run of UNITY missions including the Special Assignment. The only time I got in trouble Energy-wise was when (stupid me!) I forgot to fire off Conviction. I fired off Masterful Dodge and Ego Surge, then hit…
Sorry for the double-post. Here's where I stand now (and over there is where I'll stand an hour from now) :wink: Str 10 Dex 184 Con 202 INT 262 Ego 10 Pre 25 Rec 68 End 15 Offense: 223.6 Critical Chance: 30.7% Critical Severity: 78.2% Defense: 129.3 Dodge Chance: 25.2% Avoidance: 53.6% Gear Pri Off: Heroic Gloves of…
So my INT is too low. OK. That explains a lot. I just did the UNITY mish 'Cazulon vs Miniature Hero'. Cool mission, btw. I still kept running out of Energy after the first Epidemic. I will swap out the 2 CON mods from the Legion's Breastplate and put 2 INT mods. Hopefully, that will turn things around.
OK. I got all 3 parts of Armadillo Gear, so my Secondaries are all set. With the Legion's Breastplate of Elusiveness, I slotted it with Constitution Armoring 5 (x2), 1 Gambler's Lucky Gem 5, and Avoidance Core 1. Now the stats are: STR 10 DEX 213 CON 206 INT 95 EGO 65 PRE 25 REC 97 END 15 Offense 209.5 Critical Chance…
Hello, chalupaoffury. I've been following the build in the Original Post for my latest hero, Patient Zero. I couldn't take Mystic Flight or Displacement Acrobatics as these choices are greyed out for some reason, so I took basic Flight and Acrobatics instead. She's L40 now, but she's not the dominating force that I…
* taps microphone * Is this thing on? Edit: Never mind . . . For some reason, the Forums were not showing me any posts in this thread since my last one. Weird.
I have a question about gear: Should I always get gear that adds to my Superstats? Edit: So I got BB up to L10. Is that all that Swole does? Give you 1 HP? It has to do more than that, doesn't it? I also have a question about Builds (not the type of builds like I posted in the OP, but the in-game F6=Build 1, F7=Build 2,…
Basically, BB is loosely based on Superman (well, Supergirl, anyways). Mostly melee attacks with good defenses. I almost typed all melee attacks, but I realized that Supergirl has Heat Vision and Ice breath. Are there powers in-game to simulate these two powers? If so, can you make the heat rays come out of her eyes? Is…
Well, my account just lapsed again to Silver (when it shouldn't have). I was hoping that this morning's Maintenance would have corrected this issue, but it didn't. :(
I too am one of the many whose accounts have gone to Silver. I can't play any of my characters because they're all Freeform. Patiently waiting . . . :cool: