thanks all ive got 3 AD to cover me in certain circumstances, Resurgence when I need a big heal, Masterful Dodge when surround by numerous enemies and Unbreakable to help take some damage, I will also have Nimbus on this Character so I hope he will be able to take on cosmics
Looking for feedback on below build, possibly as a replacement for the TK Ranged I have been using created by kamokami, found that energy was hard to come by in Hybrid mode so hopefully this build will help with that. Not a lot different to TK but Telepathic scales with presence and t Super Stats Level 6: Presence…
thanks kamokami, if I wasn't dual passive but had compassion and seraphim, and the fight didn't require much healing would I be better off going DPS or Hybrid if I had another set of gear which decreased my PRE but increased my DEX
so ideal rotation that I can see is set up Sigils > Chain Lighting (to apply debuff), Sparkstorm (toggle), Ball Lighting > Lighting Arc. With Hold thrown in is that about right
So my gear looks like this for this build Justice Gloves of Precision - END,END, Lucky Gem, Lucky GEm Justice tights of fitness - END, CON, Impact Prism, Impact Prism Justice helmet of Efficiency - Cosmic Fang of Wrath Onslaught tights of fitness Onslaught tights of Efficiency looking for recommendation of what mods to…
Thanks spinnytop looking to maybe get out of my Healer/DPS was looking for something new and fun to play. With 2nd Offense Gear would you get the OV Sniper, Also do you loads point stats into Endurance of Ego
Looking for a little feedback on my version of the dual passive TK Ranged Healer - DPS/Healer dual passive - Freeform (Any / Multiple). Made a few changes to moves like getting another toggle form to really increase damage Link to this build:…
created Invictoria as homage to Statesman, Superman, Shazam. Although he is a healer/DPS I think his costume is cool ill post a screenie once I get out of work
apart from void possession, nimbus and primus spark shield is there nay other devices I should get to help my tank either in attack or defenser, with thinking about getting eruption
What should I swap Iron Cyclone for if I use Arc of Ruin for debuff and AOE, do I need a 3rd AD ? Powers Level 1: Clobber (advantages) Level 1: Defensive Combo (Rank 2, Rank 3, Challenge!) Level 6: Defiance (advantages) Level 8: Mighty Leap (Bull Rush) Level 11: Enrage (Endorphin Rush) Level 14: Arc of Ruin (No Quarter,…
was thnking can a AT do well tanking at cosmics and end game like a behemoth or rockstar? Maybe using a AT to get used to tanking is better or would FF give me a better chance
thanks guys ill makes some changes to the build and repost. is there a guild anywhere on hows to control threat when tanking or is it best to learn on the job as it were
with help from VEXX I have this build please critique guys as it my first go at tanking as I'm bored of being a healer. Also any advice on what to slot into gear and what devices would help (Unnamed Build) - Freeform Super Stats Level 6: Strength (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)…
Thanks Brilliant thanks, never really been a tank before but I want o give it a good go. With the remaining power is it best to add in some attacks for dps and maybe something extra for Def. Also what is the best end game gear for a tank currently
For me its the social and escapism of it all. Come home from work and I use CO to relax and recharge myself, as a healer I find it easier to socially as people tend the ask for support roles and I make an effort to help out at least one person everytime I log in that way I have meet interesting people. Did the Serpent…
So recanting my previous post the last couple of days I have noticed a upsurge in successful cosmics, looks like more people are stepping up into roles needed to run cosmics and becoming leaders. Also seen a lot more communicating on channels which is a positive. Having a smaller cap but more zones means I can do 3 cosmics…
using the TK Ranged Healer/DPS dual passive builds which has been fantastic. Thinking of using Seraphim as a single passive but what would be a good power to get instead of ego form? Also other than getting presence or con mods, what other mods/core would be useful? Would getting a TK % increase be worth it. Also if I…