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exonik0pwe Arc User



  • hahahahah :D *claps* well done! well done!
  • Wth? Dont u read? The problem is not that i want a nerf because i lost! Its because i keep winning! OMFG Thats the point ! My AoPM build is too OP ! Other players need to have a chance vs me! i Keep dueling the same ppl over n over ! Theres 4 ppl in the game who can kill me : Abylo, MrgameNWatch, MCLUVING, @hypeexe. Thats…
  • Ty so mutch ! it actually worked! now i can play CO liek a normal person ty so mutch!
  • What The Hell ?! It Actually Worked
  • well CO is in maintenance atm but ill try that. Luckily im in EU :3 but all in all i doubt it would fix it.
  • DUDE that worked :D TY alot i was actually thinking of reinstalling my windows because of this xD The issue was that due to "idk wth i did" when i run CO from steam the launcher connects to steam but the moment i click on "play" launcher switches to gameclient and quits steam XD IDK WHAT I DID XD.... anyways all fixed now
  • Tnx man ill try that :)
  • *Bump* Problem still persists *Bump*
  • Ty but still there are some files left...somewhere
  • There are 16 hops between me and California :) so thats 16 different IPs from which 6 are from my country and im not getting any problems from them. I have a problem with 1 IP that times out and they cant fix that? Heck, i live in eastern europe and even here they fix stuff faster :D
  • The problem persists 2weeks now :D ur telling me they cant fix a fkin cable? :D
  • I wrote a ticket to steam support from my experience with them thay are way more helpful.
  • Nevermind that my isp is telling me its not on my end and changing my plan wont change anything
  • Same here... tech support doesnt care at all... they say its on my side but im sure its not becasue every other game runs fine.. iv made exceptions in both my firewall and my anti-virus.. iv allowed port.. allowed IPs AND iv talked with my ISP nothing works! It cant even load MC: the loading bar goes to 2/3 and then SNR...…
  • Same thing here. Apparenty tech support doesnt care :). They blame it on me :D
  • Im getting a more powerful internet connection soon with new cable n new router ill post if anything changes. Btw yesterday i waited for the 2/3 loading screen to... load and when it actually did and i went ingame n i /netgraph 1 real quick n got 19k ping xD
  • Funny.. tech support was positive this was the problem..
  • Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\pc>tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 20 ms 23 ms 30 ms 87-126-71-254.btc-net.bg…
  • Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\pc>tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 20 ms 23 ms 30 ms 87-126-71-254.btc-net.bg…
  • Well im paying for the 1 month thing and it seems like its working haven't had any problems for now
  • Wow still nothing? This is still not fixed? xD Oh wait they were too busy renaming /emote to /emote_ ... Nvm my bad :)
  • Btw pvp in CO died a little before "on alert" a large portion of the pvpers left the game icluding me...im back from 1 year away from the game and what do i c... immortality devices that are stackable and usable in pvp... which just proves my point.... pvp died a long time ago. And yeah that dev? That was saying pvp is not…
  • oh wow i was about to close this thread... didnt expect it to grow 3 pages since i last saw it... i guess some ppl actually care. Anyways imma leave this open just for ppl to pass by and leave there comments. And heck some dev might take an interest in it... and give us an automated responce :D
  • Ah i see.. i misunderstood. So what then...we drink monkey milk n theres nothing we can do?
  • I liked the game and its pve content until the moment they started screwing with the passives (b4 on alert when every lvl40 knew what monster island and vibora bay are) after that its like...."meh...id rather play tf2"(actual thinking quote). The cool drops disappeared so theres no real pleasure of doing missions for…
  • What new content have u seen? Are alerts new content? Or maybe useless vehicles in a game with travel powers? Or maybe ridiculously OP devices? What is your understanding of "content"?
  • Lol @ monkey-milking company xD and screw logic! Nerf that device! I thought quality=profit but i guess unfair=profit in this game.
  • Honestly i dont care where it comes from or what powers armadillo has, all i care about is that it needs to be nerfed devices like this one and the dino device make the game unfair. They should make it so u can equip 1 of them atleast u can still have ur device and be an absolute coward without breaking the game. Also…
  • Good to know. It really should go away tho.
  • Cryptic logic - "Lets cripple AoPM(one of the best pvp passives) but lets put in some kind of...device...that makes u....hmmmm...i know! A device that makes u immortal!!!! And make it so u can equip 5 of them and spam um all the time!!! Genius!!!!11"
  • Just for da lulz i payed for a month to c how much time will pass till it bumps me down again xD imma update this once it bumps me down Current status: active Couple of hours l8r im STILL GOLD :O... Could it be..??
  • Thats funny cuz i was charged for the 3month thing as i can see in my libreta(idk how u call that in english...its a lil book that comes with ur credit card that logs any transactions) and i WILL NOT pay again as i already payed.
  • I cant wait some day to open the forum n trailturtle be like "Hey guize! Its all fixed! everyone gets an epica*s price n stuff! YEYEYEYEY... or something of the sort :I
  • Wow cool :D iv been a waiting for a week now... no reply whatsoever
  • Thank god someone actually does something... hey guys trailturtle is the new costumer service :D everyone send his/her tickets to him XD but in all seriousness tnx for actually caring i was about to leave the game....again...but this time for realz not only cuz im mad about how they destroyed pvp before "on alert" came…
  • Trailturtle, any news yet? :P dont leave us with nothin man say SOMEthing...pls XD Costumer support didnt respond to my ticket....i think its cuz im....SILVER >:O rage rage rage
  • Yes they do... things about it.... and stuff....... :I
  • I dont think anything is fixed yet...like TT said they might need a week or so to get everything back up...but yeah CS dont seem to care much. The only person talking to us in this moment is TT noone else seems to care that we are paying costumers.
  • I hope they fix it soon... (my sub is still inactive)
  • I quitted the game a year ago because they broke the game in general. Now iv descided to give them another chance...and this is what i get? Idk if thats the 1st or w/e time they have problems with billing/account...all i know is this was the LAST STRAW. All i want is MY money back so i can quit this game 1ce and for all. I…
  • I subbed for 3 months 10-15days ago and now im silver. HALP! P.S. Hell yeah 69-th post
  • Same exact issue as everyone else... i logged in today after i subbed for 3months not even a month ago to find out that im silver... :I i hope they fix this soon i wanna lvl up my new build... Tnx for the advice on using mastercard....cuz i am using mastercard for my sub :)