I've been suggesting and backing this idea ever since the size-change devices came out. I've always found the "but it can be used for evil!!" argument silly because you can say that about absolutely anything. I can mess up your targeting by just standing directly in front of you. Hell, I'd be happy to target a giant…
I haven't decided if really large characters look incredibly silly on vehicles or not. A couple things I have noticed, though: -Like said before, winged characters flap their wings constantly while riding. I assume this is because vehicles are tagged as flight powers or something like that. -Characters (at least big ones…
That happened to me too last night. No one called me out on it, which was nice, but the magical black hole shipping containers have got to go. I think what bothers me the most in smash alerts are infernal nemeses. Look, you've got 170,000 health. You no longer have the right to heal, so put your damn devour essence away.
Well, after all the hype and complaining about Warlord, it was like "This can't possibly be working." It's gotten to the point where when alerts go well I just assume that that alert's "gotcha" mechanic is bugged. Maybe we were, I was on a character named Alura. Or does EVERY team lose a member after the first fight? Does…
I did the Warlord alert a couple days ago and I was so sure we were boned because one of our players left before we even got to the hostage saving. But when we got to Warlord, he was a piece of cake. He only fired one of those fire patches and he totally missed and Warlord just kinda stared at it like "I have GOT to get my…
I came here hoping to quote Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and talk about what I call the Economic Victory Strategy, where when I have the ability to buy something outright then I'll do that instead of wasting time conquering and researching things. But I've rewritten this post about three times now and I cannot for the life…
I prefer Cole MacGrath's Law. Everything can be solved with lightning. As for travel padding, the only "proper" MMO I've ever played (besides the first few levels of WoW) is RIFT, and I got so tired of traveling in that game. I'd get a mission (er, a quest) to take two swords to... Fire... Alley or whatever and it was like…
I would really like it if Personal Force Field put a visible aura on your character just like Inertial Dampening Field, the cool shiny pulse that came up every few seconds that was totally colorable. Maybe the Personal Force Field variant would be different because it would be a solid aura, rather than pulsing, since the…
There's a tutorial available, yes. It's the "Fusion Powered Modifications" mission that you should get automatically when you get an item that has slots in it. It's a level 15 mission, and it has you talk to Max Planck in the Mods and Fusion building in Ren Center. You can no longer destroy drops to gain materials…
I don't get why the action figures weren't just in the questionite store from the very beginning, like the UNITY and adventure pack ones. I can see why they're doing this whole grab bag thing, because it basically makes a permanent Drifter Salvage sink. It'll provide a possible buy for "the guy who has everything" - a…
I'm so tired of opening pseudo grab bags and getting catalysts. They're so trivial that I might as well have opened the box and gotten a pie in the face. It's also frustrating because I get a grab bag ("equipment kit", how many names for these things are you guys going to come up with), I open it, and the loot goes to my…
That color-change macro is cool, but because of how it works, it follows a preset "path" of colors that it cycles through. Furthermore, because of how both the key press and the key release trigger the cycle, some colors get skipped over. Some kind of mechanism to make color-alternating a bit more user-friendly (dealing…
A dodge roll would be pretty cool. Even if it's not really a dodge, just like, say, sometimes when you jump forward you roll along the ground when you land. I just like rolling.
I think Ayonachan's point is that: You can use Radiance on YOURSELF, so you could theoretically go around permanently sticking Twist Fate on yourself, much like how some people use Radiance to constantly trigger Revitalize. Wrist Bolter's Automated Assault advantage lets it function as a straight-up hand slot attack rather…
Admittedly, my view of crowd control has been skewed ever since Pokemon ("Thunder Wave doesn't do damage? Then why would I even WANT it!?") so I really don't have anything smart to say about crowd control. My pipe dream is to have mechanics like the combat in Resident Evil 5 where you could hit an enemy in the leg and…
I'm the same way with character descriptions as I am with NPC descriptions and item flavor text - every one has to have SOMETHING, even if it's just some placeholder text. I actually have a couple characters whose descriptions are something like "I haven't quite decided what this character's biz is yet. Check back soon!" I…
I really like this idea. For a while I had the Ritual of Primal Summoning power on Bluey because I liked the idea of him meeting some freshly-hatched dinosaur on Monster Island that started following him around. It was a cute thought, but the summoning circle animation and effect kind of broke the verisimilitude. I'm…
I dunno. What do you think, Megadragon? Megadragon says: Using Howl will maintain the stacks just as intended. Even without Enrage toggled, you can keep those two or three stacks you got as long as you keep howling to keep them there, and as long as you don't do anything else to give you another stack. Also, if you don't…
I did some testing just now for some definitive answers. You CAN have multiple stacks of Enrage without Enrage toggled on - kind of. Roomsweeper and Havoc Stomp will give you stacks of Enrage depending on how many targets you hit. Havoc Stomp seems to be the best for this, because with Roomsweeper I would hit three targets…
This isn't a particular character, but whenever I use the powerhouse to train I always think of the Training theme from Perfect Dark. It's just such a good theme for testing things out. It fits so well that I even used it for one of my tutorials. I've been watching this thread for a while, and for the life of me I can't…
I know the contest is over and everything, but I ran across this while playing today and absolutely had to screenshot and edit it. I don't think the search for Nighthawk is going very well.
I tried, I really did, but this happened to be the week when I had a bunch of stuff going on, so I really didn't get that far. Arula only got to level 18. I probably should've abused smash alerts more, but after a while I had this nagging "Well, this feels like CHEATING!" feeling. My dreams of having a Bluey on every…
Frankly I'm surprised that anyone who thinks "You're just in time... TO BE TOO LATE!" is legitimate villain monologue is even able to scratch me. Kevin Poe seems like someone that I should be having a Dexter/Mandark slap fight with.
Trying to alt-tab out of and back into the game when it's in fullscreen windowed mode causes the game, and by extension my entire computer, to hang for a couple of minutes. I had Steam running at the time, but I always play CO either through Steam or with Steam running in the background, and didn't have this problem when I…
I think it would be cool if we got to actually see Nighthawk fight at some point. We do this whole mission chain about this mysterious vigilante, and then he does absolutely nothing at his big climactic entrance. He should also help us fight Franklin Stone in some way or another or at least look like he is - confronting…
If you're the player I think you are, I think that bad run was mostly my fault. I stupidly thought that it was going to be an alert thing where it made everyone the same level, so I was half everyone else's level and under-geared. And it was my first real time using Night Avenger powers OR the vehicle system. AND something…
Does getting the circumstantial evidence and then doing the Stone Labs instance, but then somehow glitching out so I can't enter any of the other instances count as "participating"?
I didn't really bother with the freeform grab bags (or chance boxes or dynamic money-siphoners or whatever they're calling them today). I figure I already have a gold account, I'll put freeforms in there. If I gave a freeform character to my silver account, then it'd throw off the feng shui. Besides, I want my silver…
I could see Bluey and Dark having an exciting fist-fight in a plane Uncharted 3 style. Does that count? I guess not. Software Pirate is probably the only one of my characters who is best suited to a vehicle that isn't a motorcycle or car. He is a captain, after all.
This might not actually be true. I run a super group called Thunder and Fire Couriers. It's mainly for roleplaying, thematic, and storage purposes since I don't really do any active recruiting, but I digress. One day I realized that the three "flagship" characters of the group wore blue, red, and green. Capitalizing on…
Just as long as we can give custom names to our vehicles. I must have the Blueymobile. (And while we're tossing out ideas, I want a Jeep or an ATV sorta thing. And I want to be able to color it bright blue and green like I do all my vehicles in Saints Row.)
I don't know who took BlueyDragon, since Perfect Jerks told me it was totally available just yesterday, but now it's not. I didn't know what to do, so I just... flipped the two parts. So now instead of reading it like "Bluey the Dragon", think of it as... "A Dragon who is named Bluey"? I don't know. I don't think any of…