I did note "every thirty seconds". It's right up there in the last paragraph of the block you quoted. Also, that debuff seems to be a bit wishy-washy. It doesn't always stick. Either that, or my perception of thirty seconds is really, really off. I'll also add that, debuff or no debuff, it's just good tactics to take an…
Does "seeing through stealth" include the stealth from teleportation travel powers, as well as powers that are supposed to protect me, like Evasive Maneuvers? I assume it does. Those last few GT are going to be painful to get. I can see how these effects could easily be abused, but as it stands now, you either go at the…
That is a sad trait of this generation. Ya kinda want to beat it out of them. It used to be if someone disrespected you, you could get in their face. The problem got worked out. Now, if someone were to find one of these guys and, say, deny him the so-called 'privilege' of going about his business pain-free for a few hours…
It very well may not be, but my gut instinct says it's part of it. Want to stop a game you shut down the patch server and login server with connection floods and garbage data, taking up all available port connections and resources. Saddest part is we're the ones suffering for it, and nobody is mad at Cryptic, no we all…