Thank you for the responses, both of you. I changed the talents around for more endurance and I plan to gear for some as well to help with the Energy issues. As for FC and it's use as long as I can manage a half charge with it as an opener when I want, I think that will suit me fine as otherwise I will be using it when the…
If you're going for pure functionality and want a means of escaping combat easily, go with teleport. If you get in trouble, you can teleport straight up and out and keep jumping until you shed agro and it even works amazingly well indoors as well when you're on your own soloing, teleport and keep moving back until you drop…
And thank you Flow, for the advice, I did keep the build Dex based and SSD'd Int, minor oversight there on my part as Str of 70 and Ego 70 can both be hit fairly easily to meet the DR on both without being SSS'd. I also took your advice on Brimstone and replaced it with Explosive Arrow adv with WtK. It fits into the build…
It really does and it's fun as hell to boot, Gradii. My 'Hellspawn' build uses a mix of heavy weapons and munitions to emulate a 'Spawn' feel and theme and it's a fun build. I'll have to post to the updated version of it on the forums at sometime. I am thinking of throwing a single thread together to put all of my ideas…
Not full charges, no, but you can throw out free Force Cascade's with the proc from Force Bolts more reliably than you might think, Flow. It is working nicely for me so far, really. And yeah, I realize you lose some damage without Negative Ions, my Golden Sentinel build capitializes on that reallly nicely. Lightning arc,…
I'm looking over the options and I overlooked Crashing Wave Kick, do you think Subtelty of the Tides would be a better advantage for this build? Allowing me to Charge the Kick and then roll into the fist strikes rotations of the build, only coming back to Crashing Wave Kick every eight seconds to keep the buff rolling for…
Thundering Kicks is part of the rotation, I plan on building it up a bit as I solo and in alerts. And One Hundred Hands is ranked with Ghostly Strikes to take advantage of the Debuff from the Fists of Righteous Flame advantage on Burning Chi Fist, as is Dragon Uppercut ranked with Chi Flame. The build, with the exception…
Tactical Missile can be slotted with an Advantage to make it an AoE attack, which should serve you reasonably well when you do need a radius AoE attack. I can understand why you want to keep it as I can see what you're going for with this build. Other than that the build looks pretty solid. The only changes I'd personally…
That was my thinking as well with bringing FoTT into the build, is that it is always there, when using Vicious Cyclone to bring mobs in and then unleashing Epidemic, you're always gaining energy from it versus only gaining energy when using Shred. And yeah as far as the SS'd Strr, I was thinking Int would work better as…
And just because it's been itching at me since I started this Soul Reaver inspired build, I -had- to try and put together one inspired thematically by Kain, my favorite character from the game voiced by the amazing Simon Templeman. This is what I have so far, a far more offensive take on the build that is made to be a bit…
Things to consider to be certain, Flow. I've taken what you said into consideration and tweaked the build slightly. I'm happy with the DPS coming from TK Blade attacks, and I wanted to keep Frenzy as a melee AoE for in the thick of the fight as I really enjoy the attack. So that being said, I decided to drop Mental Storm.…
Yeah so far RT is doing great. I only use it an opener on large groups, 3 or more where they're spaced close enough together to get the bonus on the bounce to additional targets. Outside of that, I don't plan on using it in my Single Target rotation. And yeah, SS is going to remain, simply because it's targetless and I can…
So far my experimenting with adding Ricochet Throw into the build along with Boomerang toss for a ranged Energy builder are really successful. It decimates Henchmen even without stealth generally, I'm only at level 14 now and only have it ranked with Microelectic Controllers but it is really, really performing well. I…
Alright so one thing I am considering for this build that I had overlooked previously is using either Ricochet Throw or Throwing Blades in place of Shuriken Storm. I like Shuriken Storm for the dodge avoidance, but I also like the look and performance of Ricochet throw and I'd be able to take them in the earlier levels of…
Thats an amazing tweak to the build, Alfgorn. I decided to restructure it just a bit and rather than two Lariats, I decided to go with one and also added in Crippling Coils, since I love the way it looks and it's going to be getting broken anyway, with the advantage to make it cause a bleed when it is broken for a bit of…
Thank you, Flow. I'd not considered Resurgence, I may slot that into the build. And as far as the advantage goes on Reapers Caress, I know it increases the cost a bit to turn it into a frontal cone, but I figure it could still be a bread and butter bleed stacker, although a bit less damage on single targets, but then…
You were right on with your notes on my Specialization choices. I did a quick bit of research and took a relook at my choices and changed them up with an explanation at the end of the first post credited to you, Selphea, so thank you for that advice. As to what you mentioned on the power choices, here was my thinking. As…
No, I realize that Marvel's Asgardian lore and characters are not creations of Marvel exclusively. I was merely mentioning that the inspiration and play style of the build is meant to emulate what we see of Thor, Odin, Bloodaxe, Heimdal the Watcher and other Asgard characters as we see them depicted in Marvel's Universe,…
I had evasive maneuvers built into the build at a later slot, but I bumped it for a second heal and an earlier threat wipe with Smoke Grenade. In nearly every random alert I run, I end up with agro out of the gate, no matter how long I wait before making an opener and the build just needed the threat wiper sooner as well…
Added in a second option to the top of the first post in the thread featuring Healing Drones for a second heal as well as Smoke Bomb taken at 23 for a threat wipe. The build is essentially the same with the exception of Howl being sacrificed and Evasive Maneuvers being given up to make room for the second heal.
And just to show you how personally leveling a build will teach you more about it than anything else, I've removed howl and shifted the powers a bit to place an additional Stealth/Threat Wipe at level 20, which I chose Smoke Bomb for the Concussive Escape and the knock down that advantage. I still may leave Evasive…
Annihilate isn't quite as damaging in single target as claws is, but then, no set really is quite as deadly as Claws at single target. Even still, with the amount of the crits the build pulls, you see some impressive hits from Annihilate and the build tears down AoE content in a sick fashion, between Ricochet throw openers…
I wouldn't be very quick to sell PBR short here. Ricochet throw is amazing, even when not stealthed, but for my money when I need a ranged option I liked a good well damaging maintain, if it fits the concept of my build. PBR has an insanely high bonus crit rate built into it, if I remember correctly, making it's damage…
I just ran the Heavy Weapons version of this build through the Power House Training room on 5 man hard against the Demons and I just had to say, it is frighteningly powerful. Ricochet Throw as always tears through mobs allowing you to lunge in with Void Shift and fear any surviors before throwing down a quick patch of fire…
And just because a friend asked me to try it, I decided to put together a version of this build using Heavy Weapons, because I like a challenge. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Predator Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Dexterity (Primary) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)…
I went ahead and slotted in Howl into the spot that was taken by FAW. Either option will work or any of the options discussed above and mentioned by Flowcyto. Consider that power a freebie power for whatever you want/feel would work better for your character concept.
I agree with Flowcyto completely and congratulations on getting a build guide set up. I've planning one myself and I plan to work on it tonight. Its a great idea for the community, making fun ideas easy to find and when you're like you or myself, BBB, you need a place to drop new ideas without cluttering the forums. It…
A lot of really great options. How definitely would be fitting, especially with the Adv to stun ( I believe). Very thematic, very fitting. As is sonic device to buff up Ricochet Throw and Dragons Claws, and the Ally res serum would be a great option as well to bring in some utility to the build. All really great options,…
Oh yeah, so far I've hit 20 after about a day with him and the build is really working out amazing. It's one of the most fun I've put together. Even in Alerts, where I before, found stealth not that fun, I'm finding it so enjoyable. Waiting, letting someone grab agro, throwing out Richochet Throw into the crowd for amazing…
Just an update on the build as I am currently leveling it up. It is amazingly fun so far and leaves you feeling deadly all over the battle field, in stealth and out of stealth. It's amazing to stealth in alert and open with Richochet throw, taking down mobs and leaping in to unleash hell with claws against the single…
Alright I tweaked the build around a bit, taking Particle Rifle as the opener which is a bit more fitting than Boomerang toss, which for some reason, I believe it is the animation, I just dislike an opener. Plasma rifle is more fitting here anyway, with the Bounty Hunter/Predator feel to the build. A few of the earlier…
A quick note, I am thinking of replacing either Mini Gun, or Fire All Weapons with Pulse Beam Rifle just for the option to stayed ranged and pump out dps if needed. Mini gun would be the likely choice for me. My other main question, is will Tactical Missile serve as passable as a substitute for say Ricochet Throw, which I…
This is actually looking really good and close to my own Predator themed build, there are certainly a few ideas here I'll have to consider looking into, it looks like a lot of fun.
Right, right. I should be able to full charge it, or nearly from a full energy bar with my PSS/SSS set up and other than that, that was my plan, tap spamming to tear down the minions. Thank you for the advice, Bluegrass.
I also have a build featuring some Muni powers, mainly TGM and Lead Tempest, both of which look amazing with the concept of the character with Lead Tempest serving for a wider reaching AoE to clear rooms along with the tread lighting advantage I'll post up later as well as a TK/Darkness theme I'm working on for him as…
Just a quick note on both builds. In the first one TK assault is a 'freebie' power. You could take it out and take whatever you wanted right there, really. I like TK Assault, as I mentioned for the ranged option it provides the build just to keep myself able to attack at all times. In the second build, the same goes for TK…
As often happens, in the course of leveling this build, I've swapped the powers around a little bit. Invulnerability was taken at 6 and Plasma Beams at 8 shifting Eye Beams to elven and shifting the later powers a bit, I'll relist it in a bit as a more leveling friendly build. I found that the AoE from Plasma Beam was…
I can agree with that. I'd love to see a separate PowerSet put together to feature maintained 'Beam' abilities. It just fits such a wide array of potential characters and builds that I feel like it would be well received and a welcome addition to the game. I'd also like to see the set with one or two charges thrown in (ala…
Thank you so much, Bluegrassbeast. I will definitely consider that and look over your Starlight build. My whole intent here was to build a classic sort of Silver Age through the 80's kind of Power Armor build. The Classic Iron Man, Dr. Doom, Wasp (though not technically PA) that sort of feel where you saw them using Energy…
Yeah when I was rearranging the rankings and advantages I went for DPS rather than tanking, I wasn't thinking there, and I apologize for that but the advantages could be rearranged for tanking. I like Alfgorns take on the build as well, all in all, I say use the advice you find here and fine tool the build for yourself,…
This is my advice on how to tweak the build just a bit, while still keeping the core of what you were looking for in mind. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Dexterity (Primary) Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary) Level 15: Constitution (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: The…
Yeah you're in the same boat that I fell into while trying to stay thematic to the core of munitions character. As Flowcyto said though, it comes down to your personal choice. The powers left could be anything, you could go into Gadgeteering and pick up Sonic Device to use with your attacks (Gatling Gun, Lead Tempest) and…
I'm considering swapping in Sniper Rifle as an opener and for use in Rampages, popping the large bosses from out of range, though in that case I'd have to take the advantage out of Sonic Device, which should still function well when used in combo with Sniper rifle which is also a thematic power choice (as the Judges often…
I've gone ahead and taken your advice and swapped into the vindicator tree, I figured the extra HP ticks from Rush of Battle as well as the points in increased crits for single and aoe damage would be better suited for this build as you mentioned, Flowcyto. Thanks for that advice.
Yeah I'm thinking the same thing as far as the knockback/scatter function on frag grenade and Shotgun blast. I'm just having trouble figuring out something that would fit in frag grenade's slot and still be thematically fitting for the build. I was considering entangling mesh to kind of group packs together for shotgun…