They've said publicly that it takes very little to keep this game going, so at this point I'll bet it's mostly because they pull a tiny bit of profit off of us. Far as I can tell, it's one of those "Why not, they're not hurting anything" scenarios.
But then we're missing that nifty "jem and the holograms" tie in. Because we REALLY need to be connected to that movie, exactly as much as the movie is connected to the cartoon.
Yep, forums are back up. And a big chunk of us lost access (AGAIN), the front page no longer shows updated threads/new threads, the ui is ugly and clunky, our avatars shrank to the size of a pea, and to get to the news forum takes 4 clicks farther than the like 7 it takes to log into the forum in the first place. I mean…
When y'all fix the mod hour problem, think you might be able to somehow either fix or flat out remove the broken mods? While I know I can make a killing selling high level ones on AH, the altruist in me refuses to scam people like that.