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Any minute now…

berukamu Arc User



  • I'm afraid it's not, they might've fixed some of the inverted textures, but the model still clips through a lot of chestwear, which it didn't before the patch that messed everything up. Fixing it would be as easy as someone pointed out on the last thread, switching back the torso model file to the old one, which should be…
  • An user finds a simple and easy fix yet noone at Cryptic is able to fix this, what's more, they screw things up even more. Can't find any words to express my disappointment.
  • I just went to check, the hips wear is gone aswell, thanks for pointing out.
  • It screwed quite a few of my costumes, make sure to report it guys, and let's hope they notice.
  • That's the one, yep. Reported it by all means I could, ingame report, Arc support and here, hope it gets solved.
  • I will leave this here just in case: http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=310321 Not sure if this happened after this maintenance or before, just noticed it right now.