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bellatorrex Arc User



  • Basically what Ratty said plus I have friends in the game I like to talk to and hang out with and I enjoy pitting costumes and characters I make in costume contests and even if I don't win and act a little grumpy I still enjoyed myself because it just means I got to try more and improve myself.
  • ...But in a sense Gradii, you just did by replying to them and stating you weren't giving two cents to them. It would of probably of served you better to just ignore the post rather than retort to it.
  • More of a figure of speech glortor. i mean I haven't been on all the years champs has been around, but I have been around since 2011/12 and I've seen enough to know how messed up the system can be especially since many bugs were left without being squashed and some were just band-aided to soon after just have the band-aid…
  • Alright, getting tired of seeing about the hideout rooms. I believe it was explained in another post in a different topic in the past but from what I gather, after On Alert and how you can now just handle your powers and such on the fly, there was no need for those rooms. That plus God only knows how much bs they'd have to…
  • Phantom@Kurobasa vs Taskmaster
  • Another nice piece BB. I am not the only one that noticed a lot of shout outs and mythology gags towards Sin City am I?
  • Hey Kurobasa here, think I'll throw this in while there is time. Star Warden@KenKurobasa losing a vicious fight with Annihilus!
  • Bumping this threat just to let all of you know the contest is today and reminding you all if you wish to enter. A sixth Cat is added to the above list (won't be editing the list since it is mentioned in the ad in-game) but, now we can add those annoying Human Escort baggage people (the mission where you have to transport…
  • They seem to use various unarmed martial arts and single blade attacks.
  • Well excluded. To be honest, it is understandable why the robotic torso he and his minions have is excluded, though his chest armor is a bit odd, same thing with his hip area to be honest. Personally I'd of left his head unique and made the rest of him available, like how Destroyer's helmet isn't available to people.
  • That's the slime aura Zed. I haven't gotten it myself or seen it yet bar on the junk bots but, that's the aura.
  • Heck, MicroMan let Bombardier into a couple of brains and Bomb's powerset is radiation. Bomb probably gave those two people brain cancer! Saved them from burning to death though, whew!
  • Edit: Nevermind didn't realize I wasn't on the last page.
  • I'll take a crack at this for ya later. I'll edit this post. There be the image for ya.
  • Um...um... Could always re-work my Passive idea I posted to work better for the AT's role overall.
  • We aren't a efficient lot but we are a resilient and stubborn one. The human race will do it's damnest to prove they are like cockroaches and try to be around forever. That's probably the only fact you'll ever have to know. Though on the reason why so many things that are mechanical take humanoid forms. It's probably a…
  • I'll admit, while the helmet isn't quite accurate to how Warden's helmet is in game... I don't care! That still looks amazing and I know that is just how the eye visor is but it works so well with a expression of "Ow ow! I'm getting shocked!" I love it. :biggrin:
  • ...I don't know Gradii, from what I just read *Puts back on totally not needed reading glasses* is that you believe you'll win for whatever little crusade you think you are in. Basically... What you are telling the entire community is, you'll do the work regardless but are waiting for a group of liked minded people so you…
  • Not nearly enough robotic unlockables!
  • I get behind all of this, all of it!... Now you make me want to make a Re-Awakened Automaton outfit >,<.
  • *Reads article, looks at Chaelk's post.* What? People will always default to a pay to win or whatever that is suppose to be? Not saying that what I am saying is directly at you Chaelk, but at the people in zone. I think that's the problem, people are so use to having to pay to get content instead of back in the older days…
  • sekhmet, don't worry, you'll unlock the new at just by having a lv 40 it seems, so no selling. Though from what the article and others have been saying you'll need to lv the new at to lv 40 to get the new powers.
  • So I take it you wanted 5 years worth of content and such with the budget CN probably has to work with, right?
  • This all sounds like good news for me...
  • My Prodigal Son returns. Omega Revolver will finally grace this thread with this real body! Remember to open these pics in a new tab to see them at full size. Yes the mostly 3 color (though there is like 5 in the design actually: Green, two shades of gold, pitch black and that dark grey like 2 squares up from pitch black.)…
  • Or just making it a optional thing for those that want it and for those that don't. Oh, right about what I stated earlier. Bug: The clipping with anything that is a long or thick boot option (like say just long boot or the Robot Cowboy Boot) in the back of the foot accessory is kinda noticable, maybe making the back of the…
  • ...I think Star Warden would be confused as a demon if not for the fact I clearly state all the time he is a alien whose race is made to look like devils because of a rather trollish genetic altering race years ago. I make sure I to keep the misconceptions down... Now on the other hand if one day I am playing on Bombardier…
  • Hmm, I do think this is at times where they should just open up every single costume option/item/etc to us for the PTS and just play it out how like we have been with new sets but whenever something needs to be re-unlocked... set it up so we lose the previous new unlock so we can unlock it proper. That said, there is…
  • Alright after becoming gold again and messing with the set (I iz sad I lack most of the sets I have on live to mix it with the psi dragon set -.-) I must say I love it though I do agree with the issues and bugs others have found. I would also like to note the feet accessories seem to have some terrible clipping if you…
  • I confirm and will be getting a pic for you any moment. I'll be posting 3 if that's okay. (A front, back and action shot. Just in case.) Star Warden is 6'3.
  • Now I want to see a gun fight between Warden and Quick Shot Mal XD.
  • Star Warden@Kurobasa Twin pistols, gun firing.
  • Heroes vs Heroes. A hero or a small group of heroes versus another hero or group of matching number. Basically one of those typical "you and you fight" scenarios.
  • God that set looks beautiful! And yes, Swashbuckler needs that mask to get that Zorro vibe and other similar heroes look that the Buckler of Swash has. *100% supports Zenith's want to get that mask*
  • That's a nice one Britannia. Noucturos isn't around atm (outfit is though) but I have seen pics of that new set... Oh hohohooohooo! *Drool*
  • This here is Brick Mahallans, The Star Warden! Though he isn't the only one, there are many others in our sector... But Brick isn't the only one of his kind to join their ranks! A female of his species named Ruby Blaze (Original last name was Dexel... she hated it) has joined the Star Wardens in hopes of being Brick's…
  • Still not quite there... Need to make whatever parts you have as Psi material Holohex then max glow!
  • Noucturos! The Bat themed Toku Hero. Yeah made him bat themed. Not my best outfit I think but I overall enjoy it. I wish I could get that head better though, sadly not possible.
  • I think her graphics in game are just fine. By the looks of things that picture was sized up but in a way that made it look jagged and low res.
  • Eh sure, I'll throw my hat in. Star Warden@Kurobasa (I'd like if possible for the swim wear to match his underclothing, so black with inlay lines.)
  • That does look badass lol.
  • Hey nothing wrong with that, just not use to it since I'm so use to seeing ken doll heroes everywhere is all lol.
  • That is really nice looking man, love the maple leaf in the middle touch XD. I think the only thing that scares me and this is because I've gotten so use to not seeing any on heroes or villains for so long... is that bulge on Absolute Zero. Grant it... tights but apparently those tights are really tight lol.
  • Nope not at all, I'll explain in detail lol. Head: Roin'esh Helmet (non-full) Steel Shadow Mouth Piece Eye Visor Broad (I think that's the name, you'll know it when you see it.) Sci-fi Soldier side guard. Sci-fi Soldier Collar Body: Steel Commando Chest Turbine Tech Edged Scalloped Shoulders 90's Age Round belt (changed to…
  • Yeah, I'll edit that post with another pic soon. I just got up like 20 minutes ago lol. Edit: Here you go, a upperbody shot since I can tell you the only thing cut off is the the armor plated boots which are colored just like the gloves. For a bigger pic on ether one just right click and open in a new tab.
  • I know my computer isn't the best, but I force it to look at least somewhat good lol. Anyway, a pic of a new toon I made that I rather like so felt like sharing: Star Warden! (Hip piece might change to a belt if I can't stand the tearing when I move in certain ways.)
  • Indeed I did AC, and please just call me Kuro. I was extremely tired when I did that post, so just let me do a smidge editing.
  • Disregard this. Though they are right, you did capture that character's personality well.
  • Oh no problem, I can do that. Though it'll be tomorrow, it's extremely late and I'm at the point I'm nodding XD. Edit: There are slight design changes but it was mainly to make it more accurate to Firewatch coloring and to add the emblem. If that isn't a good pic still then lol, I try again.
  • I hate to be a pain G3n, but I wouldn't mind seeing a semi-realistic sketch like you did for Sterga for my latest toon, Bombardier. Though the only thing I ask, for you can do the art however you want, is this: Do it when your list is like 1, 2, or 3 people or none left. I don't want you working on this till your other…