No I don't mind. Anyone can look at them. Photos are on my facebook page Jennifer Trevers. Videos of the wedding are on my father's facebook page. Clay Moorer (cam1126)
Just thought I would post this in case anyone wanted to see/hear the person behind AoC. It is a clip of him making a speech at our wedding.
Im sorry I wasnt able to participate in the memorial but Ive looked at all the photos and screenshots and it looks lovely. Im sure Loren would be impressed by everything. It's good to know Loren had so many friends online :)
As my facebook post has already been posted here, I don't need to tell you that Loren passed away today. He had been having trouble breathing since last night and sometime this morning he went to sleep. As he was sleeping his breathing became more labored and then finally stopped. He never woke up and he passed away in his…
Thought I'd check 1 last time today before heading to bed. AngelOfCaine was on COH but did change to CO when it came out. He played Crimson Bolt on there too. Hope that answers that question. I never played champions but I did play CoH as SupportGirl in case there are any CoH players out there. My main char was Jaella AKA…
I have logged onto champions and will be on champions for the next 20 mins. A friend request would probably be best as that way you can be sure to get any updates. However it is entirely up to you.
Hi, I'm not sure if I did this correctly because I havent used these forums before. Kenpo sent me this link and told me of your well wishing and requests. For anyone who wants to keep updated my facebook name is Jennifer Trevers. Angel of Caine is Loren Trevers, but I don't check his facebook often so it is best to talk to…
. *Superman Flies by, gets passed by Batman jumping off a building...* :redface: *And they BOTH get passed by a scramjet fighter wayyyyy overhead* :rolleyes: . . I love the communication. I love the graphics. I love the dedication. . But something SERIOUSLY needs to be done about the "Suspension of Disbelief" here.…
Before the gear review we used to have PD/ED. Now it's just called "Defense" (along with "Offense"). And it's DR (Diminishing return) value is around 250-300 :wink:
Can i suggest you put your opinion on CO's graphics in your sig? :tongue: That way you don't have to manually repeat yourself (differently each time) every time you post :wink:
. . . *as your team rises for quite possibly is it's last encounter, a shadow falls over the team from behind* *Dr. Destroyer cackles maniacally, "What? You think YOU can possibly foil my plans?..."* *a YELLOW bubble of doom from over the heroes heads blows Dr. D. off his feet* *as you turn your heads Gravitar yells "What?…
Thanks, that means alot :biggrin: . And on that note... ...I wasn't going to say anything, but with your post, i wanted to say to others it seems the longer this thread goes on, the more...* "Hey! I didn't get put on!" * "You forgot..." * (and my favorite) "It wasn't inaccurate, it wasn't there!" ...types of replies it…
Fine, tell the board of directors that for every 10 ex CoX players coming in 1 stays because they can use "The" in their title. Then tell the board that for every 10 that stays, 1 spends $5 in the C-store... ...Justified? :biggrin:
Nope, i went from no punctuation ("Fallen"). to double puncutation on one day. It sucked :mad: There must of been some bug in the name code over 2 years ago :cool:
Trailturtle :confused: Since you're soon to be making modifications to "in-game" titles, can we PLEASE have the simple title of "The" added? Players have been asking for years, and since you're already making a change to that part of the database... ...PLEASE :redface:
Um, did they change the rules for SG names a few years ago? :confused: Because i RUN the SG that used to have the name "Fallen" (and have for over 2 years now). (I screwed up the naming while testing 'Punctuation', and apparently once you change a SG's name, you can't change it back to what it WAS as the name is now taken…
Hero Name: Angel Of Caine (Yes, i violated the "Green" text rule because i look better in red, cope...) Theme Song: I wish i had a "theme song" for my character... :rolleyes: (...Oh wait! :eek: ) Reason: High energy, great vocals/instrumentals, awsome video (It fits my character, i can't explain it any other way :cool: )
*updated to here* NOTE: If you have multiple "servers/SG's/characters" you were known for (on CoX), please only list ONE/your most popular. Otherwise, the post will run out of room :redface:
:eek: This again? :rolleyes: Seriously, someone should write a comprehensive thread on this topic (the "Marvel vs. Cryptic" suit)... ...Then get it ok'ed by Cryptic, and then stickied in the "Fan Alpha" section (under "Urban Legends") CLONES = BAD ("Clone": A character where more than 1 of 3 facets [costume, name,…
Having a faceless ticket tell you to use "old drivers"? Yeah, i dont' think so :rolleyes: I'm using current HD drivers (12.8) on a 5850 and i'm doing fine :cool: Tell that guy in the ticket to go back to school :tongue:
Yes, yes they did. And i was willing to let the issue go until it got brought up again (as it has) :frown: That's your opinion, i stated mine earlier :rolleyes: Feel free to continue to argue about it (amongst yourselves), as my feelings on this issue are on the record :wink: 'asta :cool: Caine
I went to get XP boosts from Witchcraft, when i realized it's been so long since i leveled a toon to 40 i still had last years boosts from the 2nd anniversary on 7 of 13 toons :redface: