Thanks a lot for the information. Would like to know if which specialization is better? warden or guardian? cause I am choosing one of them to match with vindicator. For the blade tempest, is it worth to take the advantage to up dodge and avoidance or go for rank 3?
Thanks for the information and opinion. Currently I have concussion beam, assault rifle as maintain powers. 1)I would like to ask how much hp I should have to be perform well in both pvm(solo) and pvp? 2)Which one gives more damage as overall for assault rifle? a)rank 3 b)rank 2+ move them down( ramp up aster) I will have…
I experience a lot of lag for the past 2 days. I keep getting rubberbanding and unable to jumps towards a target in which I got pushed back once I lunge forward.
Is there a problem with the game launcher? I can't open my launcher at all. Last time I still can open my launcher even though it was during maintenance time. Now, I am stuck with update launcher and then get a message saying failed to connect.
Many players have given many good suggestion regarding to new missions, new content, new adventure packs, new comic series, etc in the past but none of them are fulfill or even slightly touched. Don't what is actually in the mind of CRYPTIC. 95% of players's suggestions are in vain.
Hope there is some new stuff coming out for CO soon. It would be good enough if there is sales for Z-store item. I didn't enjoy the Christmas event much cause I have no interest at all with action figures. Even though the Finkle mobs are challenging but they are not the type of robot I like.:D. I prefer robots made by Dr.…
Thanks for the advice. Currently I am using Guardian/Vindicator specialization trees. My total critical chance should be around 40% cause Dexterity is my secondary superstat. There will be 6% critical chance from the Vindicator. The Intelligence specialization tree grants me 20% more value from the original advantage of…
My build was something similar to the one posted in Pulsware power armor build last time. I used Int and Rec cause I am constantly fire chest slot, hand slot and shoulder slot all the time. I know Dexterity is a very good option for critical chance and critical severity as a primary option but my current power energy…
There is nothing wrong about Epidermic. It is not strong if the player is a tank or not properly geared. There are many many more powers that can wipe out the whole team of 5 enemies in an alert with a blink of eye. As someone mentioned earlier cause sometimes level 40 player jump in and wipe them out. Many dps players…
Is the Dexterity for critical healing? Does it work for healing allies? Cause I have not try a toon with healing as main role. Is compasion good for hybrid of tank/heal?
1) You can always earn quetonite and refine them. For a free player, you can only refine 8k quetonite per day. After you have refined them, you can echange them into Zen to buy stuff from the Z-store such as costume unlocks, hideout, freeform slot, etc. 2)As a silver(free) player, you have to work hard to on quetonite to…
I said endorphin rush scales with Defiance is about the duration and not the amount of heals. I find that the endorphin rush last longer on my character which has Defiance. Anyway as the topic starter stated if continuously refresh the enrage, then it is of not much use for the duration. Anyway thanks for the info on…
For this case, I personally think that the current dps system is fine cause dps does not only matter for alerts. The great dps is very important in many cases such as Takofanes, level 60 Mega-D invasion, Gravitar rampage, therakiel temple with elite difficulty,etc.
Ok. If you are not using Bloody Mess on Massarce, you don't have to worry about bleeding too much. Anyway Shred makes use of your claws and it suits what you want as you stated in previous post and also Shred cause debuff by lowering target's resistance. Since you are not using Aspect of Bestial, then bleeding is not so…
I am pretty sure endorphin rush is scaling with stacks of Defiance. I have a Behemoth and it is stated clearly on the advantage in my power list. I already triple checked before I posted the previous post. Yeah Massarce works better at rank 3 if 100% critical severity. But I am not sure how much critical severity does the…
The duration of Endorphin Rush scales with stacks of Defiance. The aount of heals scale with Constitution. There is an advantage on the Massarce which add 30% damage on bleeding enemies. My tank can hit enemies with 2k+ to 3k+ with that. So, it does not matter he has high critical chance/severity or not. Without bleeding,…
Endorphine rush scales with Defiance and Constitution. Since you are using Night Warrior as passive, then it won't work well. Since you want to use claw more often, bleeding should suit your theme better. With Shred you can lower your opponent resistance. Also, Massacre can get 30% more damage from a bleeding enemy.…
For supernatural powers, I always like to have devour essence cause it has good damage and can self-heal. From your build, I think that you will take time to stack up enrage cause at Aggressor at rank 3 gives you 3 stacks and the unleashed rage also give you one stack but both of them need time to recharge. Unleashed rage…
I will be happier to see something like 30% discount on the Z-store items and some special events which rewards players with rare items such as rank 7 mods, legion gears, etc by making special mission with special villains who try to attack Millennium City.
I have built 2 freeform tanks. Even though my tanks are not good at taunting enemies but most of the time my tanks will attract enemies once I start to use skills that can be maintained such as Epidermic, Devour essence, Fire all Weapon, etc. I also found that poisonous powers and also those that cast bleeding are easier…
Honestly, I am pretty satisfied with the current dps system. I also come across the situation where one or two players wiped out the whole gang of enemies before I reach them. After I have realized their dps, I quickly move to another team of enemies which are far way from them. Usually there are 3 to 5 teams of enemies in…
I would like to see new content for adventure packs and Comic series. So, I would like to add a suggestion here. Many people enjoy Whiteout. Hence, I would like to suggest a story. For the second invasion, Roin'esh have realize the trouble of superheroes and try to come up with a plan to deal with them. So, they try to…
Both my freeform tank don't have Protector in the specialization selection. I would prefer Warden and Vindicator cause it provides much more higher defense which grants more resistance. If you have high defense, that will save you when you fail to dodge cause avoidance does not work if you fail to dodge. Also, with Warden…
Yeap. I know Deadly arm is flat critical severity % and it scales with Secondary Superstats. Cause the thread starter's aim was tanking, so I pointed out the dodge and avoidance in the spec tree. For a dpser, for sure he will go for 3/3 Deadly arm, but for tank, it is up to the player. Personally, I didn't mod dodge into…
I don't know which passive he is gonna to use. if he take LR then he doesnt really need to worry too much about the dodge and with masterful dodge at rank 3 everything will be safe. Critical severity start at 50%. The other 2 spec tree will give around 25% critical severity if I am not mistaken. So that will be 75%. At…
So, this is my freeform tanks information: 1) Regeneration as passive He has 10k+ hp, having 410 defense(grants 97% resistance), Resurgence heals me around 6k hp and boost the self heal from regeneration, devour essence with the advantage that can heal me 300+hp every 0.5 seconds. I also use nanobot swarm which quickly…
No you don't need to put all 3 points in the Deadly Arm and just one point is enough. Cause one point will give you 8%~10% depending on your secondary superstat. Since he will be a tank, I bet he will put a lot in Con. Also, from the other 2 spec tree he can easily get 20% critical severity. At level 40, Conviction should…
Add tough and elite tough into the difficulty selection will be fun. Also, add some Cosmic boss-type enemy in adventure pack or comic series. Anyway, I do prefer the dev team increase the level gap and come up with new content with harder missions to do. Increasing the level gap provides more advantage points so that tanks…
Yeah I double checked just now and I am pretty sure it is 126% avoidance but as I said 126% does not mean you won't get any damage. As you know I have a single blade using Masterful Dodge at rank 3 and he is getting 500~1000 damage from blue bubble even he is blocking. So, that means 126% does not mean you won't get hurt.
I prefer to go for Dexterity as primary superstat cause in the specialization tree you can greatly increase your critical chance and critical severity. Also, there are options to improve your dodge chance and avoidance from the specialization tree. Moreover, Conviction can critically self-heal.
At rank 3, Masterful Dodge is able to give you 200% dodge chance and 126% avoidance. Don't be carried away with these figures though. 126% avoidance does not mean that you don't get damage all. Just that it greatly reduces the damage you take and won't hurt you that bad. My Invulnerability tank is using Strength,…
Thats why AT the behemoth having Unbreakable as active defense. When you activate unbreakable, all the ordinary monster cant even hurt you by mile when it match with Defiance. For a freeform, the player can take Intelligence to greatly lower down the recharge time. If gear up properly and have Intelligence as secondary…
Yeah I wish there will be some new content and I have suggested some new story to be added into the missions in the suggestion box last time. I am pretty sure we are far from getting new content. Put the hope in 2013.
I have one AT tank which is The Behemoth, one freeform tank with Invulnerability and one freeform tank with Regeneration. My Invulnerability tank is having 380 defense which grants 90% resistance. Invulnerability itself grants 160 flat damage reduction and 72% resistance. He has 10k+ hp. When Gravitar pop yellow bubble and…
Add tough and elite tough to the difficulty selection will be good enough to make stuff much more harder to accomplish. Also increase the level cap and add some COSMIC type monsters with enhanced ability in adventure pack and comic series for elite, tough and elite tough difficulties will be interesting. Increasing the…
With rank 6 mods on the purple heroic gears and some good secondary gears, your Invulnerability should have 160 flat damage reduction and 72% resistance. For defiance, each stack can give you 19% resistance if you have rank 6 mods in your level 40 purple heroic gears and some good secondary gears. The resistance is…
There are still many players out there still don't have freeform and they are enjoying the game with ATs. Some ATs such as The Blade is very squishy and they can die even fighting normal enemies such as the Viper soldiers. So to be suitable for everyone, adding different option into the diffulties selection will be good.…
Invulnerability is very effective against tiny enemies but pretty weak against boss type monsters such as Gravitar. The arena guards which are tough type monsters in Nemesis Confrontation will hurt you a lot also if you are careless. Taking Masterful Dodge will greatly improve your survival. Bountiful Chi resurgence is a…
Some skills like bleeding in the martial art powersets generate extra threat. So, when a DPSeer use that skill continuously with high critical chance and critical severity, it will be hard for a tank to keep aggro from enemies. So, I do suggest that threat generation from specific powers should be removed if not in tank…
Actually not really. If you ever try to do lair missions with elite difficulty, you will notice that the monsters are much more harder to kill and take longer time to finish them. Have you ever try the elite Therakiel Temple? or elite Viper Nest, etc. Anyway, it is why freeform exists. With the correct matches of power, a…
Maybe allowing players to choose the difficulties for alert will be fun. Elite tough monsters in alerts should be fun as they have more defense and dodge ability which makes them harder to kill. Also, if you feel bad that your team mates are killing too fast, you can choose an AT or build a freeform with powers that can…