Just wow.
I think it looks pretty good. Much better than I was expecting it to be.
Of course I fangirled when I saw the power effects and I knew I needed real AoE force fields in game...but damn...the trailer looks good.
I'm liking Ben Grimm's new look as well! (Still think the actual actor should have been bigger)
(I still like both of the other fantastic four films however)
Have a look here:
2015 Fantastic Four Trailer
Might actually be watchable.
Yeah, I do wish they used someone like Chiklis, because he was born to play Ben Grimm, not the Billy Elliot guy...lol.
Yeah, this is mostly why I was wow'd when I saw the trailer, I wasn't expecting it to be good.
I still do hope Doom has a logical and meaningful part in this movie though. If Doom (pre accident) is who I think he is in that trailer then he seems weird...
My concern is that most of the movie will be spent in a training facility or something
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I mean, I guess the Thing looking like an ugly pile of **** does work if he's supposed to feel alienated from humanity due to his appearance.
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Haha... no. Of course not.
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Why does it feel like they do something dumb with him every movie... when the original "guy in a tin can" was cool enough...
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This, right here.
If the rights to the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man would ever come back to Marvel, they'd knock it out of the park, like they did with all of their other IPs, and there's no reason to believe they couldn't do it with those two, since they made Guardians of the Galaxy, a rather C or D-List group in the Marvel universe and made them a massively massive hit that everyone loved.
OTOH, non-Marvel movies with Marvel characters make me bury my face in my hands, even when they're using A-Listed Superheroes.
At this point Sony is like a bunch of monkeys slamming on typewriters with Spider-Man, hoping if they kick out enough movies/reboots, one is going to be a winner.
Now here comes Fox with yet another version of Fantastic Four, in which a group of slightly racially diverse teenagers with wildly different socio-economic upbringings and backgrounds gain superpowers because someone who was supposed to be a responsible adult thought that them popping over to another dimension was a good idea.
It reads like a Saturday Morning Cartoon. All we need now is Ben to call Reed "Nerd!" like Ogre, Johnny listen to some form of counter-culture music, probably Punk or Heavy Metal, and possibly skateboard, with Reed wearing a pocket protector and constantly having to readjust his glasses.
*Sigh* Marvel is making movies that will both appeal to the masses, simply because they're great movies, but also ones that comic book fans will enjoy. Sony and Fox are trying to make the next Michael Bay blockbuster.
While I get your point, Sony is actually making Spider-Man with Marvel's input, because of the bomb of the last movie. So, I think Marvel will have more say on the matter of how Spider-Man goes. X-Men, and Fab Four, on the other hand, is going to be a tougher thing to wrangle since Fox are grasping at straws right now.
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OTOH, teenage FF isn't totally unprecedented - that's the FF from Earth-1610, the Ultimates line of comics. Marvel's had some success with combining 1610 elements with their classic Earth-616, the main line, like black Nick Fury who was never in WWII and Thor who was never a mere human (and definitely not a doctor with a permanent limp). So it's possible, however unlikely, that Fox might actually do a good job with this.
And no, so far as I know there's still no plan at Fox to cross FF with X-Men. I mean, they could, but they don't seem likely to at this point.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Yeah Marvel doesn't have control of the Fantastic Four. The reason that they keep rebooting stuff is because their movies don't do great, so marketing decides to poll what all the hip young kids like nowadays, focus group the crap out of it, and this is what falls out.
If we all do this, we might actually get FF back to Marvel. Sadly, I doubt this will happen, and it'll probably make enough money to warrant a sequel, even though it'll likely make less than ASM2 (which wasn't a bomb, it just didnt make as much as they hoped).
Jon really knows how to make someone go from "It might be okay" to "Oh god no" with six words. Not even big ones.
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For me the FF hardly matters...(If we're talking FF Jonny and Sue were always the best characters) but Dr Doom is the only one most fans care about...and I can't say for sure just yet...but the movies have always mishandled Dr Doom.
and yeah Marvel is the only studio that understands/gets it right at this point...
Jamie Foxx as Electro was the worst...I tired my best to like that movie.....but it was super awful no matter what.....
You cant Have Doom without Latveria. Starting to think though they might have changed Latveria into another dimension, its starting to look that way...that would be sorta awesome >_>
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