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Delivery of the Dead - what dead?



  • twg042370twg042370 Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I had a 50/50 chance last I played it. Good to see nothing has changed for I am a geek and I hate change.
    Wait? Whaaaa..?
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yeah, now it's a random chance for each box - which of course means that you can go for twenty, thirty minutes and never see a zombie, depending on how the RNG Gods feel about you. Still, it's an improvement over the situation at the point I started this thread, when I went for literally three days of that mission without a single undead skull to my name.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,401 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm not sure if things have been fixed or not but I haven't had a truly terrible run at this mission in a while now.
  • jamesbonnelljamesbonnell Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Went through today on a character with Devour Essence, I think I had to hit 6 coffins to get all the zombies.

    Yay for Devour Essence. I may have a new "well, I can't seem to finish this, I'll retcon my last power" strategy.

    Corroborating report: 2nd Char with Devour Essence - extremely easy to get zombies. Finished in less than 5 minutes.
  • starman212starman212 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I see this mission is still broken.

    (I also see that apparently it's not a priority for CO/PW to fix broken missions...)

    I went through this mission *at least* six months ago with a character that used a shotgun. Every crate was a flowing plethora of zombie goodness.

    Now, today, I'm playing a toon that uses a sword. Also using Night Warrior. Been at it for 30 minutes... three zombies. I've tried every attack in my inventory both with Sneak on and off. Same results.

    I'm dropping this mission and heading to Canada. I'm not going through this again.

    Champions Online seriously needs some kind of (limited) auto-mission-complete like another game of this genre had when it was still around...

    EDIT: Ok I lied. I didn't drop the mission and go to Canada. I did go to the trainer and un-spec my toon far enough to get Shotgun Blast, which worked like a charm, just like last time (as long as Sneak was OFF). I think I'll re-name my character to "Ninja with a Shotgun." :-P
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Your sword would have worked, too. The problem, I think, is that the trigger for the zombie spawn works similarly to the trigger for Nemesis Minion spawns - if your Sneak is on, they don't see you, and promptly despawn.

    However, the mission has been fixed - it's just that it no longer spawns zombies out of every crate; instead, the zombie spawn is a random chance now. And if the RNG doesn't like you, that can mean some waiting for the next zombie...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • thirdperson1thirdperson1 Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I was playing this mission over the weekend and had the same problem. I was playing a Brick and using clobber, beatdown and thunder clap. I got a couple of boxes to span enemies but after an hour of culling dogz and destroying suspicious crates I gave up. It sounds though like some powers work and some don't. I was expecting it would be random, but it didn't take nearly this long when I ran the mission with my toon using Radiant powers.
  • petrix101petrix101 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Didn't work on my Mind AT,but worked perfectly on my Grimoire.That's all I can say.You know,when I played as Mind AT,I killed Dogz first and THEN attacked these crates...It didn't work...After that,on my Grimoire AT,first I destroyed zombie crate and then attacked Dogz,who wanted to kill me because destroying those crates is some kind of interrupting them.Maybe that is the point...Wait-no?Oh dear
  • bludskarrbludskarr Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    What has seems to have worked the last few times it to be sure you break the box with a Power and not an Energy builder. While not sneaking, Shadow Form blows it for you too.

    New effects for old powers

    More EXP for Adventure Packs please.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Energy builder, AOE attacks, DOT attacks, don't get zombies. you need a plain attack to break the boxes. look back for a previous post by me, it has the attacks listed.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • combatclown81combatclown81 Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I used a single target attack and never got a single zombie in 25 crates.
  • coneuroniaconeuronia Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I used my lightning EB no zombies. SIngle target two zombies from one crate, then no zombies for a half hour. Just logged out, which is unfortunate beause Vibora Bay is my favourite "feel" zone so far and the arc was very fun.
    See me ingame under the following secret identities:

    Amelie Layclaire - Lightning and Wind (40)
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    Teaming with @shottymario and hoping to meet you all ingame.
  • moxiedangermoxiedanger Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Will this ever be addressed in any way? One full hour of busting crates, 0 zombies.
  • novaninja555novaninja555 Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Well if you could just wreck 15 cases for it, it's too easy. No, there is a 50% or less chance for them to appear.

    EDIT: read through the replies. I didn't have such problems on my savage.

    "Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."

  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,401 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This mission is broken again. It's completely random as to if you're going to get zero zombies or none at the moment.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Relog and try again. The last time I tried this mission, relogging was the remedy.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • edited January 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,401 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I think this is a power specific problem as today I ran this mission with absolutely no problems, but last three times I ran this I had different power sets and no zombies spawning. For the record force geyser works.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    EB, dot powers, some aoe powers. MInd you, I used lightning storm on them with no problems.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    In my most recent run-through, I found that using the same attacks, I seemed to get zombies more often if I got closer to the crates first. Shooting from a longer distance usually meant no zombies, but up close and personal sonic blasting got me some undead.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    In my most recent run-through, I found that using the same attacks, I seemed to get zombies more often if I got closer to the crates first. Shooting from a longer distance usually meant no zombies, but up close and personal sonic blasting got me some undead.

    100% correct. I've never had an issue completing this, you really gotta be right on top of the crate for it to work though.

    It helps not to completely overkill the crates, too.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    At this point, I think it's better to have us Interact with the crate. Give it a chance to knock down the player as zombies come out, applying NTTG for lulz.
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    deadman20 wrote: »
    At this point, I think it's better to have us Interact with the crate. Give it a chance to knock down the player as zombies come out, applying NTTG for lulz.
    I could live with that (if you'll pardon the expression).
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • elsaudelsaud Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    My Behemoth, D.A.R.Y.L. has been around to every last "suspicious crate" 5 times, and not a single zombie. I'm right up next to them, using both "Clobber" and "Defensive Combo" to break the crates open, but not a single zombie. Another theory shot down.
  • sapphiechusapphiechu Posts: 275 Arc User
    As of the last major patch, this mission seems to be…

    *gasps of disbelief*


    I took a 2GM toon through the mission, tapped my 2GM to break the boxes, and EVERY box dropped between two and four zombies. Previously, this had taken several minutes to complete. This time, it took no more than three, including travel time and dealing with the wandering monsters that react to the boxes being broken.
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