In most other games, the mailbox is marked by an icon that clearly indicates its status. (In STO, it's a holoprojection of a 20th-century mail envelope.) What marks the mailbox in CO? A holographic UNTIL logo. I don't know about you, but it's not intuitively obvious to me that the United Nations Tribunal on International Law, the organization that works to defeat VIPER and DEMON on a planetary basis, also delivers mail in the US and Canada. Fortunately, when I started playing we still had the "Tour RenCen" starter mission, so I was able to find everything when I needed it. Someone starting today, however, won't know that's a mailbox until someone tells them, and quite frankly I'd rather spend my time running missions and/or making Grond jokes.
So, reinstate the mission. Make it a lvl 6 mission that you can take or not as pleases you, much like the mission to go talk to Drifter (whose only purpose is to let you know where Drifter is and that he'll sell you stuff). Then, while this won't eliminate folks not knowing where stuff is, it should at least cut down on the questions.
Or, you know, put a g****** mail icon on the mailbox, just like every other game, regardless of genre or era, manages to figure out.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
In most other games, the mailbox is marked by an icon that clearly indicates its status. (In STO, it's a holoprojection of a 20th-century mail envelope.) What marks the mailbox in CO? A holographic UNTIL logo. I don't know about you, but it's not intuitively obvious to me that the United Nations Tribunal on International Law, the organization that works to defeat VIPER and DEMON on a planetary basis, also delivers mail in the US and Canada.
Yeah, that's what really threw me. After I finally did learn that there was a mailbox, it still took me a while to find it. It would have been really, really nice to know beforehand.
But apparently to some people, I'm unfit for getting around in life. :rolleyes:
RenCen is a two layer circle. I don't see expecting someone to run around, poking their head into things without a tutorial to discover things as bad. No, I don't think players should be told every detail of a game. I find it sad that there seems to be no shortage of player that don't wander around and see what the game has to offer.
Comparing running a nuclear power plant to a mailbox tutorial? So, you want player to be required to have years of training before being allowed to play CO? Maybe everyone should be required to go through basic game development classes for a year before being allowed supervised gameplay sessions?
THIS particular mission isn't a tutorial in the way the whole beginning area is. It's a simple "you're new, lets show you where the main activity areas in the game are". Don't like the mission? Drop it, problem solved.
I second changing the UNTIL logo to a mailbox related logo.
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
RenCen is a two layer circle. I don't see expecting someone to run around, poking their head into things without a tutorial to discover things as bad. No, I don't think players should be told every detail of a game. I find it sad that there seems to be no shortage of player that don't wander around and see what the game has to offer.
Why sad?
No seriously... why would that make you sad?
Video games are for having fun. People expecting to be showed everything so that they don't have to spend any time searching for it so they can instead just get to playing and having fun isn't sad at all. Why, if anything, it's the most sane position you could have, considering what video games are all about.
Comparing running a nuclear power plant to a mailbox tutorial? So, you want player to be required to have years of training before being allowed to play CO? Maybe everyone should be required to go through basic game development classes for a year before being allowed supervised gameplay sessions?
Wow, that was a stretch! I think I need to coin the term "forum yoga" for that one.
Or, you know, put a g****** mail icon on the mailbox, just like every other game, regardless of genre or era, manages to figure out.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
I'm sure with how much jon mentioned it, that is something he would like to see done in the game... in addition to bringing the tutorial quest back.
not an either/or situation ~_^
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Yeah, that's what really threw me. After I finally did learn that there was a mailbox, it still took me a while to find it. It would have been really, really nice to know beforehand.
But apparently to some people, I'm unfit for getting around in life. :rolleyes:
Comparing running a nuclear power plant to a mailbox tutorial? So, you want player to be required to have years of training before being allowed to play CO? Maybe everyone should be required to go through basic game development classes for a year before being allowed supervised gameplay sessions?
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
I second changing the UNTIL logo to a mailbox related logo.
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Why sad?
No seriously... why would that make you sad?
Video games are for having fun. People expecting to be showed everything so that they don't have to spend any time searching for it so they can instead just get to playing and having fun isn't sad at all. Why, if anything, it's the most sane position you could have, considering what video games are all about.
Wow, that was a stretch! I think I need to coin the term "forum yoga" for that one.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.